Southview Baptist Church

Daniel — Dare to Be Humble
Pastor Nathan Wakefield continues our series through the book of Daniel. This week, in chapter 4:28-37, we must always remember that everything good comes from God! Video of the worship service is available beginning Sunday at 9:30 AM at
Locations & Times
Southview Baptist Church
3434 S 13th St, Lincoln, NE 68502, USA
Sunday 9:30 AM
1. Be wary of the natural human tendency to over‑emphasize self (28‑30).
• There is a natural human tendency to highly value human creations (30a).
• There is a natural human tendency to take the credit (30b).
• There is a natural human tendency to think too highly of oneself (30c).
Action: Ask yourself, "where do I over‑emphasize myself?"
• There is a natural human tendency to highly value human creations (30a).
• There is a natural human tendency to take the credit (30b).
• There is a natural human tendency to think too highly of oneself (30c).
Action: Ask yourself, "where do I over‑emphasize myself?"
2. The remedy for our natural tendency is an emphasis on God (31‑33).
• God has the power to grant and take authority from any human (31).
• God is the one who is truly sovereign over the kingdoms of the earth (32).
• God, not humanism, is the only reason we are more than dumb beasts (33).
Action: Take a second right here to pray and acknowledge God's work in your life.
• God has the power to grant and take authority from any human (31).
• God is the one who is truly sovereign over the kingdoms of the earth (32).
• God, not humanism, is the only reason we are more than dumb beasts (33).
Action: Take a second right here to pray and acknowledge God's work in your life.
3. True humility is rooted in your theology (34‑37).
• Humility is properly rooted in a recognition of God's Kingdom (34).
• Humility grows from an understanding of man's relationship with God (35).
• God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble (36‑37, James 4:6).
Action: As you take time in prayer and study this week, consider your humility.
• Humility is properly rooted in a recognition of God's Kingdom (34).
• Humility grows from an understanding of man's relationship with God (35).
• God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble (36‑37, James 4:6).
Action: As you take time in prayer and study this week, consider your humility.
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In addition to the audio for this sermon, we livestream our service beginning at 9:30 AM on Sundays, and it is available for replay anytime at the conclusion of the service.