Southview Baptist Church

Christmas at Southview — Born Emmanuel
It's Christmas at Southview! Pastor Nathan Wakefield preaches from several passages to remind us that as we celebrate Christmas, let us take time to gaze upon God and remember that it is only because of Christmas that we can do so. Video of the worship service is available beginning Sunday at 9:30 AM at
Locations & Times
Southview Baptist Church
3434 S 13th St, Lincoln, NE 68502, USA
Sunday 9:30 AM
1. Apart from Christ, God is beyond our capacity to look upon.
• God is holy and as such completely separate from us (John 1:18)
• We are incapable of looking upon God (Exodus 33:20).
• But through Christ, we have the opportunity to see the un‑seeable (Col 1:15).
Action: This Christmas, take time to gaze upon God.
• God is holy and as such completely separate from us (John 1:18)
• We are incapable of looking upon God (Exodus 33:20).
• But through Christ, we have the opportunity to see the un‑seeable (Col 1:15).
Action: This Christmas, take time to gaze upon God.
2. Apart from Christ, God's holiness demands separation.
• God is holy and we are called to live in a holy manner (Leviticus 19:2).
• Sin brings about death (Romans 6:23).
• Sin alienated us from God (Colossians 2:13‑15).
• But Christ came into the world to save sinners (1 Timothy 1:15).
Action: This Christmas, take time in relationship with God.
• God is holy and we are called to live in a holy manner (Leviticus 19:2).
• Sin brings about death (Romans 6:23).
• Sin alienated us from God (Colossians 2:13‑15).
• But Christ came into the world to save sinners (1 Timothy 1:15).
Action: This Christmas, take time in relationship with God.
3. Apart from Christ, we would not have the access to God that we have today.
• We need divine guidance (Jeremiah 17:9).
• God does not owe us any sort of supernatural guidance or care (Psalm 51:5).
• Jesus came and provided us His guiding Spirit (John 14:26).
• Jesus has promised to be with us even to the end of the age (Matthew 28:18‑20).
Action: This Christmas, take comfort in the unique access to God that you have today.
• We need divine guidance (Jeremiah 17:9).
• God does not owe us any sort of supernatural guidance or care (Psalm 51:5).
• Jesus came and provided us His guiding Spirit (John 14:26).
• Jesus has promised to be with us even to the end of the age (Matthew 28:18‑20).
Action: This Christmas, take comfort in the unique access to God that you have today.
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Listen to the sermon and find out more about Southview by visiting our website. Sermons are normally posted on Sunday afternoons after the service and are available via the website or whichever app you enjoy listening to podcasts on, such as: Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Overcast, Pocket Casts, and many more. the Worship Service
In addition to the audio for this sermon, we livestream our service beginning at 9:30 AM on Sundays, and it is available for replay anytime at the conclusion of the service.