New Life Church

Fear Not - Pastor Tim
Part 3: Fear Of Where I Stand With God!
Locations & Times
New Life Assembly of God
15 Swart Ln, Saugerties, NY 12477, USA
Sunday 10:00 AM
3 Reasons Why the Shepherds Would Be Afraid:
- They would have felt UNWORTHY (unable to keep the commandments)
- They would have felt INADEQUATE (uneducated, untrustworthy thieves & drunkards)
- They would have felt UNLOVABLE (social outcasts)
- They would have felt UNWORTHY (unable to keep the commandments)
- They would have felt INADEQUATE (uneducated, untrustworthy thieves & drunkards)
- They would have felt UNLOVABLE (social outcasts)
The Good News!
- God’s love and acceptance of us is not based on our ability to keep the law.
- God’s love and acceptance of us is not based on our ability to keep the law.
- The purpose of the law is to help us see our need for a Savior.
- Right standing with God comes by faith in Christ alone!
- In what ways might you feel distant from God?
- What steps do you need to take to focus less on religion and more on your relationship with Christ?
- How have you been changed by the Good News of Jesus Christ?
- In what ways might you feel distant from God?
- What steps do you need to take to focus less on religion and more on your relationship with Christ?
- How have you been changed by the Good News of Jesus Christ?
Upcoming and Weekly Events
Sunday Service @ 10 AM. Nursery for children up to age 4 on weeks 2,3 & 4; KidZone for ages 5-11.
- Christmas in Kidzone today!
Girl’s Ministry for grades K-6 on Wednesday @ 5:30 PM!
- No Girls Ministry 12/27…Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Finish Line Youth for ages 12-12th grade Wednesdays @ 7 PM!
- No Youth Group 12/27…Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
- Angel Tree is a ministry to children of incarcerated parents. 11/26 - Take an “angel;” 12/10 - return wrapped gift; 12/17 - Deliver gifts. See Shirley Lane if you are interested in participating.
- Christmas Play 12/17! Invite your family, friends, and neighbors!
- Please Note: We will not be able to livestream or record this service. Please join us in person!
- Carols Service 12/24 @ 10 AM!
- Christmas in Kidzone today!
Girl’s Ministry for grades K-6 on Wednesday @ 5:30 PM!
- No Girls Ministry 12/27…Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Finish Line Youth for ages 12-12th grade Wednesdays @ 7 PM!
- No Youth Group 12/27…Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
- Angel Tree is a ministry to children of incarcerated parents. 11/26 - Take an “angel;” 12/10 - return wrapped gift; 12/17 - Deliver gifts. See Shirley Lane if you are interested in participating.
- Christmas Play 12/17! Invite your family, friends, and neighbors!
- Please Note: We will not be able to livestream or record this service. Please join us in person!
- Carols Service 12/24 @ 10 AM!
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Please submit your request. Our volunteers will pray for you this week!