Temple Baptist Church

Sunday Morning Worship @ TempleRogers - December 10, 2023
Connect People to God - Unite People to One Another - Equip People to Be On Mission
Locations & Times
Temple Baptist Church of Rogers
1812 S Dixieland Rd, Rogers, AR 72758, USA
Sunday 10:30 AM
Digital Worship Bulletin
Prayer Requests
Please share your prayer requests with us by following this link:
[Verse 1]
Angels we have heard on high,
Sweetly singing o’er the plains;
And the mountains in reply,
Echo back their joyous strains.
Gloria in excelsis Deo!
Gloria in excelsis Deo!
[Verse 2]
Shepherds, why this jubilee?
Why your joyous strains prolong?
Say what may the tidings be
Which inspire your heav’nly song?
Gloria in excelsis Deo!
Gloria in excelsis Deo!
[Verse 3]
Come to Bethlehem, and see
Him whose birth the angels sing;
Come, adore on bended knee
Christ the Lord, the newborn King.
Gloria in excelsis Deo!
Gloria in excelsis Deo!
[Verse 4]
See within a manger laid
Jesus, Lord of heav’n and earth!
Mary, Joseph, lend your aid,
With us sing our Savior’s birth.
Gloria in excelsis Deo!
Gloria in excelsis Deo!
Angels we have heard on high,
Sweetly singing o’er the plains;
And the mountains in reply,
Echo back their joyous strains.
Gloria in excelsis Deo!
Gloria in excelsis Deo!
[Verse 2]
Shepherds, why this jubilee?
Why your joyous strains prolong?
Say what may the tidings be
Which inspire your heav’nly song?
Gloria in excelsis Deo!
Gloria in excelsis Deo!
[Verse 3]
Come to Bethlehem, and see
Him whose birth the angels sing;
Come, adore on bended knee
Christ the Lord, the newborn King.
Gloria in excelsis Deo!
Gloria in excelsis Deo!
[Verse 4]
See within a manger laid
Jesus, Lord of heav’n and earth!
Mary, Joseph, lend your aid,
With us sing our Savior’s birth.
Gloria in excelsis Deo!
Gloria in excelsis Deo!
[Verse 1]
It came upon the midnight clear,
That glorious song of old,
From angels bending near the earth
To touch their harps of gold:
“Peace on the earth, good will to men,
From heav’n’s all gracious King.”
The world in solemn stillness lay
To hear the angels sing.
[Verse 2]
Yet with the woes of sin and strife
The world has suffered long,
Beneath the angel strain have rolled
Two thousand years of wrong;
And man, at war with man, hears not
The love song which they bring:
O hush the noise, ye men of strife,
And hear the angels sing!
[Verse 3]
All ye, beneath life’s crushing load,
Whose forms are bending low,
Who toil along the climbing way
With painful steps and slow,
Look now! For glad and golden hours
Come swiftly on the wing:
O rest beside the weary road
And hear the angels sing!
[Verse 4]
For lo! The days are hast’ning on,
By prophet bards foretold,
When with the evercircling years
Comes round the age of gold;
When peace shall over all the earth
Its ancient splendors fling,
And the whole world give back the song
Which now the angels sing.
It came upon the midnight clear,
That glorious song of old,
From angels bending near the earth
To touch their harps of gold:
“Peace on the earth, good will to men,
From heav’n’s all gracious King.”
The world in solemn stillness lay
To hear the angels sing.
[Verse 2]
Yet with the woes of sin and strife
The world has suffered long,
Beneath the angel strain have rolled
Two thousand years of wrong;
And man, at war with man, hears not
The love song which they bring:
O hush the noise, ye men of strife,
And hear the angels sing!
[Verse 3]
All ye, beneath life’s crushing load,
Whose forms are bending low,
Who toil along the climbing way
With painful steps and slow,
Look now! For glad and golden hours
Come swiftly on the wing:
O rest beside the weary road
And hear the angels sing!
[Verse 4]
For lo! The days are hast’ning on,
By prophet bards foretold,
When with the evercircling years
Comes round the age of gold;
When peace shall over all the earth
Its ancient splendors fling,
And the whole world give back the song
Which now the angels sing.
[Verse 1]
I heard the bells on Christmas day
Their old familiar carols plan,
And mild and sweet their songs repeat
Of peace on earth, goodwill to men.
[Chorus 1]
And the bells are ringing, (peace on earth)
Like a choir they’re singing. (peace on earth)
In my heart I hear them.
Peace on earth, goodwill to men.
[Verse 2]
And in despair I bowed my head:
“There is no peace on earth,” I said,
“For hate is strong, and mocks the song
Of peace on earth, goodwill to men.”
[Chorus 2]
But the bells are ringing, (peace on earth)
Like a choir singing. (peace on earth)
Does anybody hear them?
Peace on earth, goodwill to men.
Then rang the bells more loud and deep:
“God is not dead, nor does He sleep’
The wrong shall fail, the right prevail
With peace on earth, goodwill to men.”
[Verse 3]
Then, ringing, singing on its way,
The world revolved from night to day
A voice, a chime, a chant sublime,
Of peace on earth, goodwill to men.
[Chorus 3]
And the bells they’re ringing, (peace on earth)
Like a choir they’re singing. (peace on earth)
And with our hearts we’ll hear them.
Peace on earth, goodwill to men.
Peace on earth. Peace on earth.
Peace on earth, goodwill to men.
I heard the bells on Christmas day
Their old familiar carols plan,
And mild and sweet their songs repeat
Of peace on earth, goodwill to men.
[Chorus 1]
And the bells are ringing, (peace on earth)
Like a choir they’re singing. (peace on earth)
In my heart I hear them.
Peace on earth, goodwill to men.
[Verse 2]
And in despair I bowed my head:
“There is no peace on earth,” I said,
“For hate is strong, and mocks the song
Of peace on earth, goodwill to men.”
[Chorus 2]
But the bells are ringing, (peace on earth)
Like a choir singing. (peace on earth)
Does anybody hear them?
Peace on earth, goodwill to men.
Then rang the bells more loud and deep:
“God is not dead, nor does He sleep’
The wrong shall fail, the right prevail
With peace on earth, goodwill to men.”
[Verse 3]
Then, ringing, singing on its way,
The world revolved from night to day
A voice, a chime, a chant sublime,
Of peace on earth, goodwill to men.
[Chorus 3]
And the bells they’re ringing, (peace on earth)
Like a choir they’re singing. (peace on earth)
And with our hearts we’ll hear them.
Peace on earth, goodwill to men.
Peace on earth. Peace on earth.
Peace on earth, goodwill to men.
[Verse 1]
One day when heaven was filled with His praises,
One day when sin was as black as could be,
Jesus came forth to be born of a virgin,
Dwelt among men, my example is He!
The Word became flesh, and the
Light shined among us – His glory revealed!
Living, He loved me;
Dying, He saved m
Buried, He carried my sins far away;
Rising, He justified freely forever:
One day He’s coming –
O glorious day! O glorious day!
[Verse 2]
One day they led Him up Calvary’s mountain,
One day they nailed Him to die on a tree;
Suffering anguish, despised and rejected:
Bearing our sins, my Redeemer is He!
The hands that healed nations
Stretched out on a tree
And took the nails for me.
Living, He loved me;
Dying, He saved m
Buried, He carried my sins far away;
Rising, He justified freely forever:
One day He’s coming –
O glorious day! O glorious day!
[Verse 3]
One day the grave could conceal Him no longer,
One day the stone rolled away from the door;
Then He arose, over death He had conquered;
Now is ascended, my Lord evermore!
Death could not hold Him;
The grave could not keep Him from rising again!
Living, He loved me;
Dying, He saved m
Buried, He carried my sins far away;
Rising, He justified freely forever:
One day He’s coming –
O glorious day! O glorious day!
Glorious day!
One day the trumpet will sound for His coming,
One day the skies with His glories will shine;
Wonderful day, my beloved One bringing;
My Savior, Jesus is mine!
Living, He loved me;
Dying, He saved m
Buried, He carried my sins far away;
Rising, He justified freely forever:
One day He’s coming –
O glorious day!
O glorious day! Glorious day!
O glorious day! O glorious day!
One day when heaven was filled with His praises,
One day when sin was as black as could be,
Jesus came forth to be born of a virgin,
Dwelt among men, my example is He!
The Word became flesh, and the
Light shined among us – His glory revealed!
Living, He loved me;
Dying, He saved m
Buried, He carried my sins far away;
Rising, He justified freely forever:
One day He’s coming –
O glorious day! O glorious day!
[Verse 2]
One day they led Him up Calvary’s mountain,
One day they nailed Him to die on a tree;
Suffering anguish, despised and rejected:
Bearing our sins, my Redeemer is He!
The hands that healed nations
Stretched out on a tree
And took the nails for me.
Living, He loved me;
Dying, He saved m
Buried, He carried my sins far away;
Rising, He justified freely forever:
One day He’s coming –
O glorious day! O glorious day!
[Verse 3]
One day the grave could conceal Him no longer,
One day the stone rolled away from the door;
Then He arose, over death He had conquered;
Now is ascended, my Lord evermore!
Death could not hold Him;
The grave could not keep Him from rising again!
Living, He loved me;
Dying, He saved m
Buried, He carried my sins far away;
Rising, He justified freely forever:
One day He’s coming –
O glorious day! O glorious day!
Glorious day!
One day the trumpet will sound for His coming,
One day the skies with His glories will shine;
Wonderful day, my beloved One bringing;
My Savior, Jesus is mine!
Living, He loved me;
Dying, He saved m
Buried, He carried my sins far away;
Rising, He justified freely forever:
One day He’s coming –
O glorious day!
O glorious day! Glorious day!
O glorious day! O glorious day!

Anticipating Advent: PEACE
Wade Allen, Lead Pastor
Wade Allen, Lead Pastor
1. PEACE - Not Just an Absence of Conflict

2. PEACE - Restoring What's Broken to Wholeness


[Verse 1]
O come, all you unfaithful.
Come, weak and unstable.
Come, know you are not alone.
O come, barren and waiting ones
Weary of praying.
Come, see what your God has done.
Christ is born, Christ is born,
Christ is born for you.
[Verse 2]
O come, bitter and broken.
Come, with fears unspoken.
Come, taste of His perfect love.
O come, guilty and hiding ones,
There is no need to run.
See what your God has done.
Christ is born, Christ is born,
Christ is born for you.
He’s the Lamb who was given,
Slain for our pardon.
His promise is peace
For those who believe.
He’s the Lamb who was given,
Slain for our pardon.
His promise is peace
For those who believe.
[Verse 3]
So come, though you have nothing.
Come, He is the offering.
Come, see what our God has done.
Christ is born, Christ is born,
Christ is born for you.
Christ is born, Christ is born,
Christ is born for you.
O come, all you unfaithful.
Come, weak and unstable.
Come, know you are not alone.
O come, barren and waiting ones
Weary of praying.
Come, see what your God has done.
Christ is born, Christ is born,
Christ is born for you.
[Verse 2]
O come, bitter and broken.
Come, with fears unspoken.
Come, taste of His perfect love.
O come, guilty and hiding ones,
There is no need to run.
See what your God has done.
Christ is born, Christ is born,
Christ is born for you.
He’s the Lamb who was given,
Slain for our pardon.
His promise is peace
For those who believe.
He’s the Lamb who was given,
Slain for our pardon.
His promise is peace
For those who believe.
[Verse 3]
So come, though you have nothing.
Come, He is the offering.
Come, see what our God has done.
Christ is born, Christ is born,
Christ is born for you.
Christ is born, Christ is born,
Christ is born for you.
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