Brookwood Church

December 23 and 24, 2023
Locations & Times
Brookwood Church
580 Brookwood Point Pl, Simpsonville, SC 29681, USA
Saturday 5:00 PM
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM
A Guide for Personal or Group Spiritual Growth
Use this guide by yourself or with friends to pursue a deeper relationship with God. To find a group, visit birth of Jesus happened during a busy time in the town of Bethlehem. The town was so crowded that Mary, the mother of Jesus, gave birth to Him in a stable because no lodging was available. The news of the birth of our Savior broke through the busy-ness, offering joy to shepherds and ultimately all people, including you. Read Luke 2:1-11 to remember this story.
Questions for reflection or discussion:
1. What might be distracting you from celebrating the birth of Jesus this Christmas?
1. What might be distracting you from celebrating the birth of Jesus this Christmas?
2. How does Jesus’ birth make joy available to all people?
3. How does Jesus’ birth bring you joy?
God sent Jesus to earth to express His love to you. Make room to receive His love and joy by asking the Spirit of God to reveal what He wants you to know today.
God sent Jesus to earth to express His love to you. Make room to receive His love and joy by asking the Spirit of God to reveal what He wants you to know today.
Daily Devotional
Spend time with God each day with the Daily Devotional. Available on the App.
Spend time with God each day with the Daily Devotional. Available on the App.
Why Jesus?
If you’ve never experienced God’s forgiveness and grace, we’d love the opportunity to talk with you about a life-changing relationship with Jesus. Email or call 864.688.8200
If you’ve never experienced God’s forgiveness and grace, we’d love the opportunity to talk with you about a life-changing relationship with Jesus. Email or call 864.688.8200
Additional Study Tools
For additional Bible Study tools, guides and devotionals, check out,, and
For additional Bible Study tools, guides and devotionals, check out,, and
Brookwood Church App
Stay connected to God's Word and Brookwood. Download the Brookwood Church app from your favorite app store. Find Message Resources, daily devotionals, watch past messages, leave prayer requests, give and more.
Stay connected to God's Word and Brookwood. Download the Brookwood Church app from your favorite app store. Find Message Resources, daily devotionals, watch past messages, leave prayer requests, give and more.
Faith grows deeper as we pursue Jesus together!
To join a Community Group, visit our website or email Resources
Check out other Message Resources available in the Brookwood Church app and on the website.'d love to hear from you!
Please visit or contact us at 864.688.8200.