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First Baptist Church Pea Ridge

The Secrect of Contentment

The Secrect of Contentment

Sunday Morning Worship Service

Locations & Times

First Baptist Church of Pea Ridge

1650 Slack St, Pea Ridge, AR 72751, USA

Sunday 5:00 AM

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The Secret of Contentment
Philippians 4:10-14

Pastor Chad Race
Continued contentment is possible when we come to the conclusion that Christ is enough...

Your “just in cases” will fail you - they’re not designed to sustain you

Paul’s lessons
How to make do with a little
How to make do with a lot

Regardless… in both situations Paul was satisfied in the fact that Christ was enough
We must have a perspective change
The enemy to Christian contentment is pride

Source Idols - Richard Keyes and Tim Keller

The Idol of Control - a desire for everything to go as planned
The Idol of Comfort- desire for pleasure
The Idol of Approval- desire to be accepted
The Idol of Power - desire for recognition or influence
The Secret to Contentment:

Christ is enough

1. Know the Gospel
2. Preach the Gospel to ourselves daily

God’s glory reigns supreme over all else
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