CrossWay Church

November 19, 2023: Luke 24: 13-49
These are the Bible passage and sermon notes for our Sunday morning worship services.
Locations & Times
CrossWay Church Battle Ground
311 N Parkway Ave, Battle Ground, WA 98604, USA
Sunday 1:30 PM
Luke 24:13-49 Jesus appears to his disciples
I) Jesus was physically resurrected.
A) At first, his disciples thought they had seen a ___________.
B) The disciples _____________ Jesus’s body.
C) Jesus _______ food.
D) In all, Jesus appeared to _______ people.
II) Jesus wanted the disciples to know his death and resurrection were always part of God's plan.
A) They expected the Messiah to ____________ the Roman occupiers.
B) Jesus provided a way of ________________.
C) The disciples would help share this message with the ___________.
III) God empowered Jesus's disciples' faith and understanding.
A) God opened the Emmaus disciples’ eyes so they could ___________ Jesus.
B) God opened the disciples’ ___________ so they could recognize His plan of redemption.
C) Jesus promises to send the ___________________ to empower and equip them further.
IV) Why is this important?
A) The physical resurrection proves that Christ defeated sin and death.
B) It assures us that God can break through our hardheartedness and doubts!
I) Jesus was physically resurrected.
A) At first, his disciples thought they had seen a ___________.
B) The disciples _____________ Jesus’s body.
C) Jesus _______ food.
D) In all, Jesus appeared to _______ people.
II) Jesus wanted the disciples to know his death and resurrection were always part of God's plan.
A) They expected the Messiah to ____________ the Roman occupiers.
B) Jesus provided a way of ________________.
C) The disciples would help share this message with the ___________.
III) God empowered Jesus's disciples' faith and understanding.
A) God opened the Emmaus disciples’ eyes so they could ___________ Jesus.
B) God opened the disciples’ ___________ so they could recognize His plan of redemption.
C) Jesus promises to send the ___________________ to empower and equip them further.
IV) Why is this important?
A) The physical resurrection proves that Christ defeated sin and death.
B) It assures us that God can break through our hardheartedness and doubts!