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Mercy Culture Waco | Senior Lead Pastor Landon Schott

2023 | The Year of Dunamis - "A Spiritual Warfare Message: Back to Baal"

2023 | The Year of Dunamis - "A Spiritual Warfare Message: Back to Baal"

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Mercy Culture Waco

1020 E Waco Dr, Waco, TX 76704, USA

Sunday 8:00 AM

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It's not a cultural war, it's a spiritual war!
Back To Baal
Spiritual Warfare = Spiritual opposition to the will of God through the help of evil spirits.
Obeying God = winning in spiritual warfare
Disobeying God = losing in spiritual warfare
Satan wants to be worshiped!
If he can't have your worship, he will try to get you to worship anything but God.
God warns us to not worship anything but Him!
Baal worship was the primary idolatry of the Bible!
Idolatry = the worship of material representation of a deity
The Dark Trinity of Idolatry...
Baal, Molech & Asherah

1. Baal "The Possessor"

- Baal was chief deity, "False God" of the Phoenicians and other Semitic nations (the Phoenicians, Canaanites, Babylonians, Assyrians).
- His image was the Bull.
- Baal is connected to almost all ancient people
- A Pagan god of sexuality and spiritual war.
- Primary God of Idolatry
4 Primary Meanings of Baal

1. The most common is the Canaanite, Ancient god
2. To Marry
3. Owner or ruler, master, husband
4. Lord

- Baal was the storm god and bringer of rain.
- Baal was recognized as sustaining the fertility of crops, animals, and people.
- That why Elijah's prophecy to stop rain was an act of war on Baal! (1 Kings 17)
- His followers often believed that sexual acts performed in his temple would boost Baal's sexual prowess, and thus contribute to his work in increasing fertility.
Baal worship/warfare was raged in morality spirituality, politics and culture.

- Baal worship is a form of self-worship.
- Baal worship was the ultimate rejection of God.
- Yahweh was "master and husband" to Israel. He called Israel His bride. (Ephesians 5:25-27).
- Baal worship is a god of prophetic divination (False prophecy) SEE False Prophet Baalam in (Numb 21-24).
- The first visual appearance was in the exodus of Israel.
Baal worship was a constant temptation for the Israelites, particularly when it was endorsed by the king = Government.
Baal worship is great temptation especially when endorsed by government leaders!

- Through the worship of Baal and other gods came combined for the erotic acts of perverted heterosexual relations, homosexual activity, violent sexual acts, body piercing (including genitals), body cutting, and an infatuation with blood (drinking and draining), prostitution, and ceremonial orgies.
Imagine a strip club, Planned Parenthood and a church all combined
It’s not a cultural war, it’s a spiritual war!

2. Ishtar The God Of “Perverted Sexuality”

- “Ancient, My-ology Believed Baals Wife Was Ishtar!”
- Ishtar also referred to as Ash-tar, Aphrodite, Venus , Juno, “Spirit Of Jezebel”
- She Is A Goddess of prostitutes
- From Ishtar we get porné / por'-nay: a prostitute; met: an idolatrous community.
- Porné is “litatture of the prostitute” where we get the word “porn”
-we see ancient clay statues of her naked
- We get our word “erotic” from the greek word “eros” or ishtar in greek form.
- Asherah poles were used as images to worship!
- She’s one that dwells in taverns.
- Known as the god of Nineveh, Jonah 1-4
- She’s a witch!
- Sex is her worship!
- They would dance and cut themselves in worship
- Her sexuality breaks convention, bends sexual lines.
- Rampant ever changing sexuality.
- Goddess of war!
- Her war is on purity!
Ishtar & Gender

- In some ancient writings she identifies as a man and woman, she has the power to turn women into men and men into women.
- The rainbow was connected to her in ancient writings.
- Ishtar was worshipped in various manifestations. Her cult often included ritual prostitution and ecstatic prophecy. In
- Babylon Nebuchadnezzar II erected an elaborate gate in her honor, marking the end of the sacred processional route.
- The processional (parades) was known as “the dance of ishtar”
- “Second-century roman writer “Apa-lay-us”wrote about “goddess parades” men wearing soft clothes, eye-liner, heavily exaggerated make up and DRAG QUEENS.
- She required NOT A DAY but an entire month of celebrating her sexuality!
- This month of public sexual worship was known as “Junium”.
- St Jerome identifies it as the month of June!
- She claimed one month of her own to take possession as culture.
Through the possession of the culture she takes control of the next generation!

It’s not a cultural war, it’s a spiritual war!

3. Molech “The God Of Murder & Child Sacrifice”

- Molech, Moloch, Milcom was the god of murder and the originators of child sacrifice.
- Molech occurs eight times in the OT text one time in the NT. Molech is found generally in contexts of cultic child sacrifice and particularly in phrases … “to cause one’s son or one’s daughter to pass over by the fire to Molech”.
- Molech had the parents bring their child to the altar.
- It was not safe for a child in the ancient world. They could be killed or disregarded at any time for any reason. This disregard for life was fueled by Molech!
The worship of Ishtar and Molech is sex and child sacrifice… when you worship sex, you sacrifice children!
God and His Children
Pre-Born Children
Greek: brephos (bref'-Ahhs) = an unborn or a newborn child infant, babe, child in arms
The Weeping Prophet

QUESTION | Who was the Prophet Jerimiah?

⁃ Known as the Weeping Prophet
⁃ Jeremiah = “the Lord will raise up”
⁃ Son of a priest
⁃ Called by God as a young boy
⁃ He was the prophet of Judah’s midnight hour.
⁃ He was the most despised and persecuted prophet!
⁃ He was opposed by… people, false prophets, kings & priests
⁃ He was mocked, wiped, accused, threatened, despised, hated, rejected, imprisoned and casted into a pit.
⁃ He doesn’t just declare God’s heart but embodies it!
⁃ 160 references of God’s judgment through Babylon
⁃ He was an eye witness of Jerusalem’s destruction
⁃ The reason was their worship of Baal, Molech and child sacrifice!

The Prophet Jeremiah wept over the “Valley of Hinn” - the alley of slaughter or “little bones!”

Jeremiah 1:5 VS Jeremiah 19

Jeremiah wept over a valley of murdered babies!
This is not political; this is spiritual!

Spiritual leaders who refuse to address America going back to Baal worship of child sacrifice are potential wolves or at best… cowards!
It took exile - total personal and national disaster to remove Baal worship!
Question | What would possess someone to do this?

It’s a demon possession!

If it doesn’t make sense it’s spiritual!
The Dark Trinity

- Baal was the “father” of false gods and idolatry
- Molech mimics Jesus: “instead of laying down his life. Instead of giving life… HE TAKES IT!
- Ishtar mimics the holy spirit: it’s the UNHOLY SPIRIT!
It’s not a cultural war, it’s a spiritual war!

Back To Baal
When we turn from God, Baal comes back!

America has gone “back to Baal” worship!

- We have divorced ourselves from the one true God.
- We are worshipping the god of self worship and prosperity!
- A bull statue like Baal over 10 feet tall sits in NYC in the “financial district”
- We worship when the government tells us we can & how they tell us we can!
Back To Ishtar…
- We have gone back to Ishtar!
- They called it a sexual revolution in the 1960’s
- America is the number one consumer of pornography in the WORLD!
- The dance “parade” to Ishtar & her month of celebration is now called “Pride Month.”
- America has removed the cross & replaced it with A rainbow!
- Our Nation’s capital, white house and national landmarks light up with rainbow colors in worship!
- The Nation worships Ishtar the god of perversion with rainbow logos every pride month.(Logos = identity)
- Men dress up like woman and parade in the streets, parks, bars, schools and churches.
- Women are celebrated for being masculine. The masculinity of men is considered TOXIC!
- Women performers are vulgar & dominate as male performers are soft and effeminate!
- Sex is no longer biological… gender is now A made up fluid “social construct”
- We don’t follow the science we manipulate science as Baal worship!
Gender has been indoctrinated as “social construct” instead of a biological make up.
Back To Molech…
Abortion is modern day child sacrifice.
It’s self-worship, it’s Baal worship!

- America demands abortion!
- America celebrates abortion!
- State Supreme Court Of NYC “made a tribute for abortion” the goddess “Medusa” where the world goes for JUSTICE!
- We have sacrificed over 70 million babies on the altar of Baal.
- To embrace abortion is to worship Baal!
Abortion has become normal = child sacrifice has become normal!
CAUTION | Baal worship rages in morality spiritualty & culture… It’s an attack on righteousness through government, entertainment, media, education and religion!

We Have Gone Back To Baal
· When you’re in sexual sin out of marriage… you have gone back to Baal.
· When you’re addicted to pornography… you have gone back to Baal.
· When you affirm their new gender as “normal”…you have gone back to Baal.
· When you’re open and affirming… you have gone back to Baal.
· When you’re more concerned about offending people then offending God… you have gone back to Baal.
· When you’re more loyal to a political party then the word of God… you have gone back to Baal.
· When you have rationalized any reason for abortion… you have gone back to Baal
It’s not a cultural war, it’s a spiritual war!
Baal worship was practiced when permitted by spiritual leaders… compromise

Cycle “Pattern” Back To Baal

The Bible describes the repetition of a cycle, beginning with rebellion of God and going back to Baal.
- Encounter God
- Tolerate Sin / Evil

Tolerance is demonic! Nowhere in the Bible are Christ followers instructed to tolerate sin!

Wherever there is tolerance, sexual sin will be celebrated!

Tolerance is the counterfeit of repentance!
- Embrace Sin / Evil = Apostasy

Apostasy = when people say they’re for God but they live anti-Christ… anti-God
- in ancient battle when a soldier would go to war and changes sides mid-battle!

Apostasy today is … wokeism, deconstruction and progressive Christianity!

- Back to Baal
- Judgment of God!

The return of Baal worship ends in exile captivity and plague!

Baal worship is the end of a nation!
America Back To Baal
- 1960’s Sexual Revolution
- Prayer Out Of School Engel v. Vitale on June 25, 1962,
- Bible Reading Out Of Schools Abington School District v. Schempp on June 17, 1963 – the Supreme Court declared school-sponsored prayer and Bible readings unconstitutional.
- roe v wade January 22 1973
- 10 Commandments removed from Schools… Stone v. Graham, 449 U.S. 39 (1980)
- Wall Streets Charging Bull Dec. 15, 1989,
- Gay Marriage Ruling - June 26, 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court held in a 5–4 decision
- Churches Shut Down Globally 2020!!!
Break The Cycle
To turn culture towards God we must turn our hearts towards God!
- There is a culture war reflecting a spiritual war in Israel.
- Much like America today!
- The King Ahab has married a witch of Baal…
- Jezebel! (1 kings 17)
- The state religion is Baal worship, and the church of God is being persecuted! (1 kings 18:7-16)
- False prophets and false teachers have national platforms and true prophets, and true preachers are being censored, cancelled and de-platformed!
- Baal worship is ramped, state funded and considered NORMAL.
- Elijah was constantly told he was a “trouble maker!”
(1 kings 18:17)
- Elijah the true prophet of God has battle baal and confronted the king, the government and the culture. (1 kings 18)
- He declares to all Israel = THE CULTURE “CHOOSE YOUR GOD!!”
Fire falls from Heaven!
Break the cycle of Baal worship by turning to Jesus!
You break the cycle of the worship of Baal by turning back to God!

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