CrossWay Church

November 12, 2023: Luke 23:55 - 24:12
These are the Bible passage and sermon notes for our Sunday morning worship services.
Locations & Times
CrossWay Church Battle Ground
311 N Parkway Ave, Battle Ground, WA 98604, USA
Sunday 1:30 PM
Luke 23:50-14:12: The women find an empty tomb!
I) The women thought Jesus's death was the end.
A) The women knew where Jesus was ____________.
B) They prepared ___________ to anoint his dead body.
C) They were shocked that the tomb’s _______ had been rolled away.
D) Jesus’s body was _________!
II) The angels made it clear that Jesus's death did not mean defeat.
A) The angels proclaimed that Jesus was _________!
B) They reminded them that Jesus ________ them this would happen!
C) Jesus had to _____ for our sins!
III) The disciples' reaction.
A) Some thought they were talking _______________.
B) _____________ went to the empty tomb.
IV) Why is Christ's resurrection so important?
A) It proved that Christ __________ the price for our sins.
1) The gospels speak of Jesus being ________________ by God.
2) His resurrection proves he defeated _________ (a consequence of sin).
B) Christ has defeated the ____________ of this world.
C) Christ’s resurrection _________ what will happen to believers when they die.
1) Death will not ___________ them.
2) They will have __________________ bodies.
D) The __________ that raised Christ from the dead is at work in believers lives today!