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Creekside Church, Sunday, November 12, 2023

The Kingdom of ME

The Kingdom of ME

Locations & Times

Creekside Church

660 Conservation Dr, Waterloo, ON N2J 3Z4, Canada

Sunday 9:00 AM

Sunday 10:30 AM

“Discipleship, we might say, is a way to curate your heart, to be attentive and intentional about what you love.” James K.A. Smith You Are What You Love


In John 1:38, Jesus asks two would -be followers, “What do you want?” Jesus’ question opened their heart (and opens our hearts) to receive God’s love and live for his kingdom.

Throughout this series we have been sitting with this question – “What do you want?” Reflecting on this question helps us consider what we truly love.

“To be human is to be animated and oriented by some vision of the good life, some picture of what we think counts as “flourishing”. And we want that. We crave it. We desire it. This is why our most fundamental mode of orientation to the world is love.” James K.A. Smith You Are What You Love


The sticky notes in our series graphic remind us that there are rival kingdoms competing for our love. Money, sex, power, fame and pleasure are among the many that desire to shape our heart’s orientation to live toward a certain end goal (telos).

“The kingdoms of this world would have us forget where our home is. But we are members of the body of Christ, get our instructions and directions from another realm – from another king who is heading up another kingdom. You are a kingdom citizen. Once you understand and apply that truth, living with a kingdom focus will come more naturally.” Tony Evans, Kingdom Focus: Rethinking Today in Light of Eternity

The Kingdom of ME

This is probably the chief rival kingdom that competes for our love. The orientation of this kingdom is to build my life around SELF. The worldview of this kingdom permeates our culture and is manifested in Expressive Individualism.

“The modern self finds himself in the midst of what has [been] described as ‘expressive individualism’ – where each of us seeks to give expression to our individual lives rather than seeing ourselves embedded in communities and bound be natural and supernatural laws.” Carl R. Trueman Strange New World

One of the subtle ways we can be drawn into this kingdom is through technology. Digital technology, particularly our phones, social media and the internet, can influence us in a ME-focused direction.

Here are two books that help us to be wise as we engage with digital technology:

My Tech-Wise Life: Growing Up and Making Choices in a World of Devices – Amy and Andy Crouch
Digital Liturgies: Rediscovering Christian Wisdom in an Online Age – Samuel D. James

“Rather than thinking of the web and social media as merely neutral tools that merely do whatever users ask of them, it is better to think of them as kinds of spaces that are continually shaping us to think, feel, communicate and live in certain ways. In other words, the social internet is a liturgical environment.” Samuel D. James Digital Liturgies

The Kingdom of WE

Jesus’ kingdom orients our heart toward the true good life, a full and fruitful life with God and others.

HOME – Life With God

Jesus’ Invitation - “Make your home with me as I am with you.” John 15:4

Jesus invites us to make our home with Him. His home is where we are fully known and fully loved.

“as I am with you.” Note that Jesus’ love prompts our response.

FRUIT BEARING – Life with Others

I Am the Root of the Matter; you disciples are the branches. The individual making a home with me (as I am with him or her) – there is a person bearing much fruit! Because the fact of the matter is this: apart from me you can do absolutely nothing.” John 15:5

A person who makes their home with Jesus will bear fruit. This is the amazing promise Jesus gives us. This fruit shows up as we love and serve the people in our lives. Remember that what you are doing to love and serve others, no matter how small or insignificant it seems to you, counts. Jesus is making his home in your heart, giving you the power to bear fruit for him.

Translation and thoughts on John 15 are from Frederick Dale Bruner – The Gospel of John.

Questions to Ask:

- In what ways are my digital habits shaping my heart to build the kingdom of ME?

- Are my digital habits shaping my heart toward anger or peace, loneliness or relationship, restlessness or contentment, meaninglessness or purpose?

- How can I harness technology in a wise way, practicing digital habits that grow my walk with God and help me to love and serve others?

Using the word HABIT as an acrostic, here are practices that help shape our heart for the Kingdom of WE:

H – The “H” in habit stands for “HEART” - take the time and trouble to grow your heart for God.

A – The “A” in “habit” stands for “ASSESS”. Assess the shaping influence of tech in your life.

B – The “B” in habit is “BELIEVE”. Believe God’s kingdom is truly the good life!

I – The “I” stands for “INVITE”. Look for opportunities to invite people to friendship.

T - The “T” stands for “TRAIN”. Training is a process. God is your coach!
He will give you the grace and power to live as a citizen of His Kingdom, the Kingdom of WE.

PRAYER: God, thank you for inviting me to make my home with you. I open my heart to you today and receive your love. As I live in your love, help me to love others well. Thank you for your promise that when I love others in your Name, I will be fruitful. Help me to be wise in the way I live in this world. Help me to practice habits that orient my heart toward living as a citizen of your kingdom. Thank you for your grace. Thank you for your forgiveness. Thank you for your love. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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