Real Life Church KC

Raising the Spiritual Bar
Locations & Times
Kentucky Trail Elementary
8301 E 163rd St, Belton, MO 64012, USA
Sunday 9:30 AM
There is nothing of greater value than finding the treasure of the Kingdom of Heaven.
Context about the Book of Philippians:
Section 1: Thanksgiving and Prayer
Section 1: Thanksgiving and Prayer
PAULS PRAYER FOR US: Transformed by God's Word so that you can discern what is best and be filled with fruit that only comes through Jesus.
You can't delight in the fruit without first discerning and walking in the truth.
Need to be more a student of the WORD and less a student of the WORLD.
You can't delight in the fruit without first discerning and walking in the truth.
Need to be more a student of the WORD and less a student of the WORLD.
Section 2: Paul’s Circumstances
The key that opens many closed doors is often persecution.
Do you think for one minute you are where you are by accident? Maybe, it's not your past that brought you here, but God!
Paul's mentality wasn’t chained down to his circumstances or even his critics for he was married to the mission of Christ.
BE PREDISPOSED WITH BEING AT SOMEONE ELSES DISPOSAL. Be ready, be inclined, be prepared to point people to Jesus.
Section 3. Exhortation: The Urgent Persuasion to take action
Section 3. Exhortation: The Urgent Persuasion to take action
Your MANNER REFLECTS WHAT MATTERS. Do your words, actions, attitude, spending, time, honor God?
In Christ we are to STAND FIRM - not to be frightened in any way. When the world goes left; we stand firm. When the world goes right; we stand firm.
Pray to be the modern day Church of Philippi!
Talk It Over
1. Review the message and first read Philippians chapter 1. What stood out to you the most about the chapter and the message? What was God saying to you? What confirmed your walk with God? What challenged your walk with God
2. In response to Matthew 13:44 Pastor Sean said, there is nothing of greater value than finding the treasure of the Kingdom of Heaven. What words would you use to describe how discovering the things of God makes you feel? Why does the Bible call it a “treasure?”
3. Philippians 1:9-11 says, "And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, 10so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, 11filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.” Pastor Sean said it this way, you can't delight in the fruit without first discerning and walking in the truth - that we need to be more of a student of the Word and less of a student of the world. On a scale of red, orange, yellow, green, how would you rate yourself as a student of the Word and why? What next step can you take to be a better “discerner of what is best?”
4. Paul summarized his life in one single word - “Christ!” Philippians 1:21 says, "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. If you were real honest, what one word best describes your life and why? What would it take to align that word with the things of God? If it is aligned, how did you come to that point?
5. Philippians 1:27 says, "Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ.” You manner matters more than you think. Do your words, actions, attitude, spending, time, conduct honor God? Which area of your conduct are you a model for others to follow? Which area needs the most improvement? What step can you take today.
6. Pastor Sean said to pray to be the modern day church of Philippi - rooted in faith, advancing the Gospel even in suffering, supporting missionaries even when we are young, standing firm in the faith not being afraid of the world, and to remain in the Bible. Stop and pray and continue on your journey to read Philippians every day and memorizing four scriptures this month.
1. Review the message and first read Philippians chapter 1. What stood out to you the most about the chapter and the message? What was God saying to you? What confirmed your walk with God? What challenged your walk with God
2. In response to Matthew 13:44 Pastor Sean said, there is nothing of greater value than finding the treasure of the Kingdom of Heaven. What words would you use to describe how discovering the things of God makes you feel? Why does the Bible call it a “treasure?”
3. Philippians 1:9-11 says, "And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, 10so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, 11filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.” Pastor Sean said it this way, you can't delight in the fruit without first discerning and walking in the truth - that we need to be more of a student of the Word and less of a student of the world. On a scale of red, orange, yellow, green, how would you rate yourself as a student of the Word and why? What next step can you take to be a better “discerner of what is best?”
4. Paul summarized his life in one single word - “Christ!” Philippians 1:21 says, "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. If you were real honest, what one word best describes your life and why? What would it take to align that word with the things of God? If it is aligned, how did you come to that point?
5. Philippians 1:27 says, "Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ.” You manner matters more than you think. Do your words, actions, attitude, spending, time, conduct honor God? Which area of your conduct are you a model for others to follow? Which area needs the most improvement? What step can you take today.
6. Pastor Sean said to pray to be the modern day church of Philippi - rooted in faith, advancing the Gospel even in suffering, supporting missionaries even when we are young, standing firm in the faith not being afraid of the world, and to remain in the Bible. Stop and pray and continue on your journey to read Philippians every day and memorizing four scriptures this month.
If you started a relationship with Jesus please let us know by checking "I committed my life to Christ" in your communication card or following the link below. GENEROSITY IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE
Thank you for being so faithful. We couldn't accomplish all we do without your support. Together let's pave the way to make much of Jesus!