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Christ Community Olathe

Romans - October 22 | Olathe

Romans - October 22 | Olathe

Rescued Apart From Earning- 9:00 & 10:30 AM & ON-DEMAND

Locations & Times

Christ Community - Olathe Campus

20600 W 119th St, Olathe, KS 66061, United States

Saturday 2:00 PM


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Conversation Starters
Conversation Starters help us dig deeper, connecting Sunday’s sermons with our Monday lives. Please know that these questions are meant to be a resource. You do not have to follow them verbatim or get through them all. We trust you to know your group and to ask the questions based on your group needs.

1. Read Romans 4:1-12.

2. What stood out to you from the passage?

3. What stood out to you from the sermon?

4. In verse 11, Paul explains that circumcision was a sign of being made righteous, not the source of it. What are some signs of this in our Christian lives? How can you resist the temptation to put your faith in the signs of righteousness rather than the One who makes us righteous?

5. How will you apply this to your life? What are you going to do, be, or think differently because of this truth?
Title: Rescued Apart From Earning
Scripture: Romans 4:1-12
Speaker: Nathan Miller,
> God wants nothing more from you than trust.
"Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him for righteousness."
> Trust is the only way to intimacy.
> Trust is the only way to be with God.
> Trust is the only way to receive what we want most.
> How do we grow in trust?
- Pursue intimacy
- Step out in faith
- Rest in His embrace

Event Information

For more information about events that were announced this morning, please check out our events page on our website.

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Need pastoral care?

If you need care for a loss, relationships, marriage, illness, or anything else, please reach out to a pastor. Any of our pastoral staff would be glad to meet with you, as well as connect you with other resources, including counseling.

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