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Adams United Methodist Church

Worship October 1, 2023 (Eighteenth Sunday After Pentecost)

Our weekly worship service. Join us in-person or on Facebook Live!

Locations & Times

Adams United Methodist Church

2201 Brumfield Rd SW, Summit, MS 39666, USA

Sunday 11:00 AM


Order of Worship for October 1, 2023

The Gathering
Chiming of the Hour
Prelude & Lighting of Candles
Call to Worship
Celebrations & Prayer Concerns
Opening Prayer
Praising the Lord
*Hymn Count Your Blessings 362
*Apostles’ Creed 881
*Gloria Patri
Prayers & Gifts
Silent Prayers & Pastoral Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer
“Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.”
Hymn I Love to Tell The Story 156
Giving of Tithes & Offerings
Proclamation of the Word
Children’s Time
*The Written Word Matthew 22:34-40 NLT
The Spoken Word “A Methodist Loves God”
Communion 13
Our Response to the Word
Invitation to Christian Discipleship
*Hymn Near the Cross 34
*The Benediction

Announcements for September 24, 2023

Upcoming Events:
Today – Communion/Good Samaritan Offering 11 am
Today – Shower for Reed Thompson and Sydney Whigham 2 to 4 pm
Today – Confirmation Class 5 pm
October 3rd – UWF 2 pm
October 8th – Homecoming 10:30 am

Our 212th Homecoming is next weekend. Services will start at 10:30 am and be followed by a Potluck Lunch. Bro. Johnny Crosby will be our guest speaker.

In Home Communion: . If you know of someone who would be interested in receiving communion at home or if you are interested in assisting serve communion, please contact Dianne Boyd or Bro. Jonathan.

You are Invited to a Bridal Shower honoring Sydney Whigham and Reed Thompson today hosted by Janet Dunaway. Come and Go between 2 pm and 4 pm at Adams UMC. They are registered at tHolmes Stationary & Gifts, Amazon, and Walmart.

Sign-Up Sheet – There is a sign up sheet on the organ bench if you are interested in helping feed the children for Sunday School After Church. We have approximately 15-20 kids and adults at these events. Please make sure the foods are dye free or check with Jessica Rempel for more information.

Prayer List
Prayer request cards are located on the back of the pews. Fill out a new card every 30 days, if you need someone to remain on the list more than a month. Copies of prayer list are included in the bulletin.

Join our Text Message List!
Send the message @adamsumc to 81010 and follow the instructions to add your number to the text group. If you have any questions, please see Bro. Jonathan or Jessica Rempel.

Weekly Schedule
Sunday: 10:00am Sunday School (all ages)
11:00am Morning Worship
5:00pm Youth/Confirmation Class
Wednesday: 6:00pm Bible Study

Other Regular Schedules
1st Sunday UMM, 9:00 am (monthly) Fellowship Hall
1st Tuesday Women of Faith, 2:00 pm (monthly) Library
1st Wednesday Trustees, 7:00pm (quarterly) Jan-Apr-July-Oct
1st Wednesday Worship 7:00pm (quarterly) Feb-May-Aug-Nov
2nd Saturday Finance, 10 am (quarterly) Jan-Apr-July-Oct
3rd Wednesday PPRC, 7:00pm (quarterly) Feb-May-Aug-Nov
4th Sunday Church Council, 4:30pm Feb-May-Aug-Nov

Stewardship Report for Last Week
Morning Worship: 70 SSAC: 13
Weekly: Monthly:
Ministry Needs: $1,881.62 Ministry Needs: $ 8,157.00
Ministry Total: $ 966.50 Ministry Total: $ 6,295.50
Yearly Needs To Date: Other Donations:
Ministry Needs: $73,423.09 Bereavement Fund: $100.00
Offering YTD: $68,962.40

Hymn 362 - Nothing But the Blood

Hymn 156 - I Love to Tell the Story

Virtual Connect Card

We'd love to connect with you, especially if you're new! Take a moment to fill out our virtual connect card.

Facebook Page

Can't make it to worship physically? Join us digitally! "Like" our page while you're there to stay updated on everything happening at Adams!

Give Online

You can give a tithe or offering using PayPal. If you wish for your gift to go to a specific area, such as the building fund, please indicate this in the notes. Don't forget to send "friends and family" so that we can keep your entire donation!