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Lancaster Baptist Church

LBC Sunday Morning - October 1

LBC Sunday Morning - October 1

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Lancaster Baptist Church

4020 E Lancaster Blvd, Lancaster, CA 93535, USA

Sunday 8:15 AM

Sunday 10:45 AM

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Text: 2 Corinthians 4:8-18
Title: Inside Out Renewal
Speaker: Pastor Paul Chappell
I. Outward Perishing
A. The Adversity
1. Trouble
2. Perplexity
3. Persecution
- Stoned at Lystra
- Flogged at Philippi
- Persecuted by the Jews
4. Cast Down
B. The Identity
1. Paul Carried the Marks of Death
2. Paul Manifested Christ in Life
II. Inward Renewing
A. The Meaning of Renewal
1. The Outward Man Perishes
2. The Inward Man Renewed
B. The Manifestation of the Renewal
1. Troubled But Not Distressed
2. Perplexed But Not In Despair
3. Persecuted But Not Forsaken
4. Cast Down But Not Destroyed
C. The Message of Renewal
1. Paul's Dilemma
2. The Church's Benefit
III. Upward Hoping
A. A Coming Resurrection
1. A Continual Hope
2. A Personal Hope
B. A Common Purpose
1. The Glory of God
2. Thanksgiving to God
C. A Complete Redemption
1. Momentary Suffering
2. Eternal Blessing

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