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First Baptist Church Pea Ridge

Advancing the Gospel

Advancing the Gospel

Sunday Morning Worship Service

Locations & Times

First Baptist Church of Pea Ridge

1650 Slack St, Pea Ridge, AR 72751, USA

Sunday 5:00 AM

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Advancing the Gospel
Philippians 1: 12-20

Pastor Chad Race
Paul’s Perspective

- What has happened to Paul?
- What is happening now?
- Where are you now?
- What holds you back from sharing the Gospel?

The Response

- They spoke the Word more fearlessly
- What causes you fear in speaking the truth of the Gospel
- Surround yourself with people who inspire you to be more courageous in the faith
The Motives

- Two set of pro-claimers

1. Envy and rivalry
2. Good will

- Paul rejoices in both because people are hearing about Jesus
- What are the desires of our heart?
The Mindset

- Salvation here can be translated “deliverance” - Paul is assured one way or another he
will be delivered
- What a mindset to have!
- Do we have this same eager expectation and hope

Any questions?
Church Office 479-451-8192 -
Thank you for joining us today.

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