Southview Baptist Church

Letters to the Church — Called to Identity in Christ
Pastor Nathan Wakefield continues our Letters to the Church sermon series in 1 Corinthians. This week as we study 1 Corinthians 7:17-24, the focus on life should be our identity in Christ. Everything else is a potential distraction from that which matters most. Video of the worship service is available beginning Sunday at 9:30 AM at
Locations & Times
Southview Baptist Church
3434 S 13th St, Lincoln, NE 68502, USA
Sunday 9:30 AM
1. A Universal Rule: God knew what he was doing when he called you to salvation (17).
• Fact 1: God's sovereignty means He can assign you where He wants (17a).
• Fact 2: God calls people to Himself with purpose (17b).
• Fact 3: God's sovereignty applies to all Christians (17c).
Action: Ask yourself, what does it look like to live as a Christ Follower in whatever situation the Lord has assigned to you?
• Fact 1: God's sovereignty means He can assign you where He wants (17a).
• Fact 2: God calls people to Himself with purpose (17b).
• Fact 3: God's sovereignty applies to all Christians (17c).
Action: Ask yourself, what does it look like to live as a Christ Follower in whatever situation the Lord has assigned to you?
2. An immediate application: Don't let who you were interfere with your present call to obedience (18‑20).
• You may have lived a "very sinful" life before you came to know Christ (18).
• You may have lived a "good" life before you came to know Christ (18).
• Either way, the call Christ has placed on your life now demands your obedience (19).
• As a rule, you don't need to change who you were in order to be a Christ follower (20).
Action: Ask yourself, how can I use my past to serve Christ?
• You may have lived a "very sinful" life before you came to know Christ (18).
• You may have lived a "good" life before you came to know Christ (18).
• Either way, the call Christ has placed on your life now demands your obedience (19).
• As a rule, you don't need to change who you were in order to be a Christ follower (20).
Action: Ask yourself, how can I use my past to serve Christ?
3. A general principle: Don't let your present circumstances take priority over service to your Savior (21‑23).
• Your present circumstances should not consume you (21a).
• If you can improve your present circumstances then you should do so (21b‑22).
• Recognize that each of us is employed in full‑time Christian ministry (23).
Action: Ask yourself, am I too preoccupied with trying to change my present circumstances?
• Your present circumstances should not consume you (21a).
• If you can improve your present circumstances then you should do so (21b‑22).
• Recognize that each of us is employed in full‑time Christian ministry (23).
Action: Ask yourself, am I too preoccupied with trying to change my present circumstances?
4. A summary: God called you to salvation for a reason, embrace God's working in your life (24).
• Our ultimate responsibility is to God (24a).
• Be preoccupied with how God is working in your life, not with the situations of life (24b).
Action: Ask yourself, how do I need to prioritize my life so that my identity is completely in Christ?
• Our ultimate responsibility is to God (24a).
• Be preoccupied with how God is working in your life, not with the situations of life (24b).
Action: Ask yourself, how do I need to prioritize my life so that my identity is completely in Christ?
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Listen to the sermon and find out more about Southview by visiting our website. Sermons are normally posted on Sunday afternoons after the service and are available via the website or whichever app you enjoy listening to podcasts on, such as: Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Overcast, Pocket Casts, and many more. the Worship Service
In addition to the audio for this sermon, we livestream our service beginning at 9:30 AM on Sundays, and it is available for replay anytime at the conclusion of the service.