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Church of the Nazarene - East Rock

The Seven Churches of Revelation Part 8

The Seven Churches of Revelation Part 8

Church in Laodicea

Locations & Times

Church of The Nazarene- East Rock

East Side Hwy, Elkton, VA 22827, USA

Sunday 9:00 AM

Sunday 10:30 AM

Today we conclude our teaching series called “The Seven Churches of Revelation”

Over the last few weeks, we have been seeking to understand the importance and relevance of this text in our lives today. Just like the rest of our Bible, we believe that Revelation is valuable and integral to our faith- It’s there for a reason.

Through this study we have sought to hear and understand the warnings and instructions to these churches. As we do that, we also want to discern how we can learn from these warnings in our lives and through our local church.

Our desire is to renew and refine our vision of life and what the church should be. Our series has been specifically focused on Jesus' words to the 7 Churches in Asia minor
Can you imagine hearing that from the Lord?

Of course, the English word there is really being nice.

In the original language, it was more like “I am about to vomit you out of my mouth”

Today we conclude our teaching series The 7 churches of Revelation where we have studied Jesus’ words to 7 different first century churches.

Some words of encouragement, some of rebuke and warning, but each containing a hope-filled invitation to life with him.

I don’t think it should be lost on us today that the Lord’s last words to the Seven Churches is filled with disgust and a warning against being lukewarm. We must look that truth head on today.

Jesus is knocking at the door, inviting you to relationship with him- Will you answer?

Laodicea, for all its wealth and extravagance, did not have good drinking water. They had to use open troughs to funnel water from miles away to sustain life in the city and by the time the water arrived it was lukewarm, dirty, and very hard.

The message begins likening the church to their drinking water.

To be lukewarm spiritually is to be in the middle of the road- like a crazed squirrel darting back and forth, uncommitted to any direction.

It is a picture of a fluctuating soul, seeking a little bit of Jesus, and a little bit of fulfillment from the world. Not committed to follow Jesus exclusively, yet not ready to deny him completely. Stuck living in the middle of the road.

Jesus says of lukewarm believers- I am about to spit you out of my mouth.

This is a warning that Jesus is about to be completely done with these lukewarm believers if something doesn’t change.

Laodicea was wealthy and self-sufficient, and that attitude made its way into the heart of the church.
Jesus says- “But you don’t realize, in reality, you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind, and naked”

One of the stark lessons to be learned from studying the 7 churches of Revelation is that there can be a stark difference between how we see ourselves and true reality before Christ.

The Laodicean’s were giving their lives to the pursuit of worldly things, and they were quite successful- Perhaps it even seemed like they had it all- health, wealth, and fashion.
White picket fence, two-car garage, trampoline for the kids.

However, in their pursuit of the good life, they were forfeiting their soul. They became lukewarm, middle of the road Christians, not fully committed. Jesus calls them to act before it’s too late.

To the people who thought they had it all- Jesus says come to me and find all that you really need. Christ alone is the remedy to their lukewarm state. He alone is the life they need

The turning point of this letter begins with is this message from the Lord- I love you.

To those facing the reality of hearing that they are lukewarm, middle of the road Christians, feeling the weight of conviction on their chest: Jesus says “Those I LOVE I rebuke and discipline”

If you feel that weight of conviction, realizing that you are living a lukewarm faith- you need to hear this. God disciplines and rebukes those that he LOVES.

Is there a more inviting, encouraging, compassionate word from the Lord?
Here I am… here I am
"I am standing at the threshold of your life, I am knocking."

The hard news is that, at this moment, Jesus is on the outside of your life…looking in.

The good news is all it takes is a turn of the handle on that door.
iii.Look what he promises- To the one who will open the door, I WILL COME. Not I’ll think about. Not I might.
I WILL COME and eat with that person, and they with me.

This passage began with the vivid and harsh warning “because you are neither hot nor cold- I am about to vomit you out of my mouth”. But it ends with an invitation to feast with Jesus.

Revelation is a Jesus letter and in that there is great hope today. He is knocking- Will you open the door?

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