Church of the Nazarene - Harrisonburg

The Seven Churches of Revelation Part 7
Church in Philadelphia
Locations & Times
Church of the Nazarene - Harrisonburg
1871 Boyers Rd, Harrisonburg, VA 22801, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
Today we continue our teaching series called “The Seven Churches of Revelation”
Over the last few weeks, we have been seeking to understand the importance and relevance of this text in our lives today. Just like the rest of our Bible, we believe that Revelation is valuable and integral to our faith- It’s there for a reason.
Through this study we want to hear and understand the warnings and instructions to these churches. As we do that, we also want to discern how we can learn from these warnings in our lives and through our local church.
Our desire is to renew and refine our vision of life and what the church should be. Our series is specifically focused on Jesus' words to the 7 Churches in Asia minor
Today we continue with the Church in Philadelphia
Over the last few weeks, we have been seeking to understand the importance and relevance of this text in our lives today. Just like the rest of our Bible, we believe that Revelation is valuable and integral to our faith- It’s there for a reason.
Through this study we want to hear and understand the warnings and instructions to these churches. As we do that, we also want to discern how we can learn from these warnings in our lives and through our local church.
Our desire is to renew and refine our vision of life and what the church should be. Our series is specifically focused on Jesus' words to the 7 Churches in Asia minor
Today we continue with the Church in Philadelphia
The church at Philadelphia is the one church of the seven that seems to be getting it completely, this is despite facing the opposition and challenges the other six churches face
Life isn’t any easier for the people at Philadelphia, they are simply more faithful, more loyal, and, by implication, obedient.
Here we will see Jesus offers no condemnation, only commendation and comfort.
Life isn’t any easier for the people at Philadelphia, they are simply more faithful, more loyal, and, by implication, obedient.
Here we will see Jesus offers no condemnation, only commendation and comfort.
Charles Swindoll
“Whatever I entrust to Him, He can take care of better than I…
Nothing under His control can ever be out of control.”
“Whatever I entrust to Him, He can take care of better than I…
Nothing under His control can ever be out of control.”
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
“To rely on Christ’s word and cling to it offers greater security than all the securities in the world."
“To rely on Christ’s word and cling to it offers greater security than all the securities in the world."
Spiritual effectiveness is not measured by capability or capacity, It is measured by commitment.
Ray Stedman
"Hold on to what you have so that no one will take your crown." As the times get harder and it is even more difficult to be a Christian, as hostility increases and the world becomes more and more secular and casts aside much of the trappings of Christianity that it had formerly practiced, then we must be careful that we do not give up and go along with worldly attitudes and worldly pursuits. We must not allow a desire for status, prestige, fame, a beautiful home and the things the world lusts for, to become central in our thinking."
"Hold on to what you have so that no one will take your crown." As the times get harder and it is even more difficult to be a Christian, as hostility increases and the world becomes more and more secular and casts aside much of the trappings of Christianity that it had formerly practiced, then we must be careful that we do not give up and go along with worldly attitudes and worldly pursuits. We must not allow a desire for status, prestige, fame, a beautiful home and the things the world lusts for, to become central in our thinking."
Pastor Brian Michaels
“Each and every day we hear the command of God. It may be something amazing, some ministry to engage, some miracle to perform, and we have no ability to accomplish the task. God does! He has every ability to accomplish through you whatever He would command to be done! More likely, the command will be more daily, perhaps even seemingly mundane: Love your wife; disciple your kids; be kind to your coworkers; serve your brother; forgive your neighbor. How many times have we encountered the impossibility of these tasks? And yet His word commands it! What a great time to fall on our face in humble submission to Him, asking for His Spirit to fill us and empower us to stand to our feet in simple, but profound, obedience. If we know He’s commanded it, we know He will enable us to obey it!”
“Each and every day we hear the command of God. It may be something amazing, some ministry to engage, some miracle to perform, and we have no ability to accomplish the task. God does! He has every ability to accomplish through you whatever He would command to be done! More likely, the command will be more daily, perhaps even seemingly mundane: Love your wife; disciple your kids; be kind to your coworkers; serve your brother; forgive your neighbor. How many times have we encountered the impossibility of these tasks? And yet His word commands it! What a great time to fall on our face in humble submission to Him, asking for His Spirit to fill us and empower us to stand to our feet in simple, but profound, obedience. If we know He’s commanded it, we know He will enable us to obey it!”
Warren Wiersbe
“Its not the size or strength of a church that determines its ministry, but faith in the call and commandments of the Lord.”
“Its not the size or strength of a church that determines its ministry, but faith in the call and commandments of the Lord.”
Today, are you following Him faithfully?
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