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Waymaker Church

Sunday Morning Service 8.20.23

Sunday Morning Service 8.20.23

Sunday Service

Locations & Times

Waymaker Church

202 S Sunset Ave, Roswell, NM 88203, USA

Sunday 10:00 AM

Welcome to Waymaker Church! We are so excited to have you join us today! We exist to Encounter, Live for, and Advance the Kingdom of God!
Both parables reference someone who is in charge giving something of worth to servants to keep and do business with while He was gone. In both parables when He returned, he had the servants give account for what they had done. Although similar in application. The two parables differ slightly in context.

In the parable of the talents: the quantity of talents is different. One receives five, another two, and the last one.

In the parable of the minas: they all received the same amount.

Both parables: have an expectation of increase. Along with similar outcomes for increase, and lack of use.

Important to note about these parables is that they are prophetic parables speaking no only to the time of Jesus physical ministry, but also to the second coming of Christ.

Both parables give context that what is given to the servants belongs to the master. He delivered His goods to them, and his wealth. The instruction from the Nobleman with the minas was to do business until I come.Though the parable of the talents doesn’t explicitly say it, there is a conferred expectation of increase with what was given to each person.

They were to trade and increase what was given to them.
In the parable of the talents they were given in proportion to ability. The Lord never gives Christian’s things beyond their ability. All can serve the Lord according to their measure; no less and no more. To serve the Lord to the best of our ability is all that He requires. God isn’t asking for perfection, but he is looking for participation.
In the parable of the minas each received the same amount. The minas given are likened to a talent, gift, skill, ministry, or ability which the Lord gives to every member of the body of Christ. They are to be used for His glory and to spiritually trade with others and gain for the kingdom of God by using what the Lord gave us.

Each receiving the same amount in this parable shows that there is an equal responsibility and accountability. We are to serve the Lord to the extent of our ability.
The instrumental truth weaved into the application of this parable is the second coming of Christ. He conveys that He has given us talents and responsibility, and ultimately that He will come back. When He comes each one will give an account of His own works. For those who have been faithful rewards are given. The unfaithful will receive judgement.

Concerning judgement Jesus is very clear. In both parables the servant who did not use what he gave them was deemed a wicked servant. In the parable of the talents the wicked servant is cast into outer darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. In the parable of the minas, he commands the enemies of his, who did not want him to reign over them to be slain before him.

This picture of Jesus as judge can seem to conflict with the picture of Jesus as savior. We must remember that he came first as a lamb to be slain. He will come the second time as a lion and conquering king.

I want to leave you with a few simple ways to serve the Lord faithfully in your life.

1. Be unwavering in your belief in Him.
No matter what happens stay strong and immovable in your belief in Him. We will face trials and tribulations, mountain tops and valleys. Establish yourself in the truth of His word and believe who He is and what He has said no matter what.

2. Separate yourself from the world's thought patterns and practices.
Being a citizen of heaven, we must set our mind on things above, on the very things of heaven. Study the Word and find out what pleases the Lord and do them. Do not be conformed any longer to the pattern and practices of the world.

3. Choose to do what is right all the time.
Even if it hurts, choose to do what is right and God-pleasing all the time. When you are faced with making decisions, choose to please God, even if it means being ridiculed and made fun of.

4. Obey what God said in His Word.
The Lord Jesus said that if you love Him, then you should do what He says. (see John 14:15) John 14:21 “He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him.””

5. Love your neighbors in obedience to God.
The Lord Jesus said in Matthew 25:40, "And the King will say, 'I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!'"

God is watching over our lives, and He sees how we treat our brothers and sisters in Christ, as well as those who are not in the family just yet. He sees all our actions, and because He loves everyone in the world (see John 3:16), it matters to Him that we love our neighbors, too.

My prayer for each of us today is that we would go all in without reservation. Serving the Lord with everything within us!

You Are a Gift: And Gifts Are Meant to Be Given

You Are a Gift: And Gifts Are Meant to Be Given

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