Church of the Nazarene - Harrisonburg & East Rock

Sunday July, 30 - GO
Transformed by God to bring hope to others through Christ.
Locations & Times
Church of the Nazarene - Harrisonburg
1871 Boyers Rd, Harrisonburg, VA 22801, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
Today we pause our summer series to have a specific focus ahead of Best Week Ever, which includes Vacation Bible School! Over the next week, hundreds of individuals will be involved in ministering to others in tangible ways. As we prepare to embark on this journey together, we focus on the specific call for all believers to 'GO'.
In Hebrews 11 we read a noteworthy list. Of all the things one could be known for, this is the list that matters the most. These are men and women who displayed incredible faith.
These are people who faced some of the most difficult obstacles, but they chose faith.
These are people who faced some of the most difficult obstacles, but they chose faith.
We see the faith of Abraham and Sarah mentioned not once, but several times.
"By faith…" (verse 8)
"By faith…" (verse 9)
"By faith…" (verse 11)
Why did they have this level of faith?
Because they "considered him [the Lord] faithful" (verse 11)
"By faith…" (verse 8)
"By faith…" (verse 9)
"By faith…" (verse 11)
Why did they have this level of faith?
Because they "considered him [the Lord] faithful" (verse 11)
They acted on their faith because they knew God was faithful.
They didn’t believe their circumstances, they believed God.
They didn’t believe what they saw, they believed what God said.
They didn’t believe their circumstances, they believed God.
They didn’t believe what they saw, they believed what God said.
The call to 'go' was not unique to Abraham and Sarah. Jesus himself instructed his disciples, and all those who would follow after Him, to 'go'.
To go isn't always easy, but to go is always good.
Even though we are called to go, our actions often suggest we are embracing the opposite: to stay.
Why? Because of our comfort, our busyness, and even our fear.
Why? Because of our comfort, our busyness, and even our fear.
Instead of the church being a place of encouragement and challenge, where believers grow and then are commissioned to go out, far too often the church becomes a holding ground. It becomes a place where comfortable, busy, fearful and even selfish people gather and gather and gather...and stay.
Reflecting on the words of Jesus from Revelation 2:10, what does it mean for us, HIs church, to 'be faithful' right now?
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