CCC Service
Weekend Worship | July 2
“Revelation: To Come Out!" | July 2 | Revelation 18
Locations & Times
Central Christian Church
2900 N Rock Rd, Wichita, KS 67226, USA
Sunday 9:30 AM
7 Ways to Move Toward Leaving Babylon:
1. Walk in the Spirit
1. Walk in the Spirit
7 Ways to Move Toward Leaving Babylon:
1. Walk in the Spirit
2. Keep her lies before us
1. Walk in the Spirit
2. Keep her lies before us
7 Ways to Move Toward Leaving Babylon:
1. Walk in the Spirit
2. Keep her lies before us
3. Self-limiting
4. Don't play with fire
1. Walk in the Spirit
2. Keep her lies before us
3. Self-limiting
4. Don't play with fire
7 Ways to Move Toward Leaving Babylon:
1. Walk in the Spirit
2. Keep her lies before us
3. Self-limiting
4. Don't play with fire
5. Redirect your love
6. Walk together
7. Humbly accept correction
1. Walk in the Spirit
2. Keep her lies before us
3. Self-limiting
4. Don't play with fire
5. Redirect your love
6. Walk together
7. Humbly accept correction
Be strong and courageous!!
Key Theme:
God’s people are commanded to be clearly distinct and separate from the world and its lusts.
Key Application:
Seek to walk in spirit led efforts to resist temptation and participation in this world.
Key Verse:
Revelation 18:4 “Come out of her, my people lest you take part in her sins, lest you share in her plagues;”
Key Questions:
1. How do you practically seek to walk in and by the Spirit moment by moment? What things could you practically do to grow in this?
2. What are some of the most prevalent lies that our world is communicating to us? Consider the promises that certain activities and ways of living are making? Does walking in those ways fulfill those promises? How do we know?
3. Take time to list out several of the promises that Jesus has made you (use Scripture) and meditate on those. What do they mean, how do they stir hope, how do those promises make Jesus more worthy of your affection?
God’s people are commanded to be clearly distinct and separate from the world and its lusts.
Key Application:
Seek to walk in spirit led efforts to resist temptation and participation in this world.
Key Verse:
Revelation 18:4 “Come out of her, my people lest you take part in her sins, lest you share in her plagues;”
Key Questions:
1. How do you practically seek to walk in and by the Spirit moment by moment? What things could you practically do to grow in this?
2. What are some of the most prevalent lies that our world is communicating to us? Consider the promises that certain activities and ways of living are making? Does walking in those ways fulfill those promises? How do we know?
3. Take time to list out several of the promises that Jesus has made you (use Scripture) and meditate on those. What do they mean, how do they stir hope, how do those promises make Jesus more worthy of your affection?
Download Today's Takeaways for today’s sermon are available upon request in the church office.
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