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Christ Community Leawood

David - July 2 | Leawood

David - July 2 | Leawood

David and Mephibosheth - 9:00, 10:30 AM & ON-DEMAND

Locations & Times

Christ Community - Leawood Campus

14200 Kenneth Rd, Leawood, KS 66224, United States

Saturday 7:00 AM


Whether you are NEW online or visiting one of our campuses, we would love to get a chance to know you.

Prayer Requests

As a staff it is a privilege to pray for our congregation. Social distance does not change that! If you are in need of prayer click the link to fill out an online prayer request.
Title: David and Mephibosheth
Scripture: 2 Samuel 9
Speaker: Tom Nelson,
"Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that, if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, 'This was their finest hour.'"

- Winston Churchill
What does a heart for God look like?
A heart for God loves as God loves.
A heart for God gives as God gives.
Are you becoming a person after God’s own heart?
Are you becoming a more kind person?
Are you becoming a more generous person?

Need pastoral care?

If you need care for a loss, relationships, marriage, illness, or anything else, please reach out to a pastor. Any of our pastoral staff would be glad to meet with you, as well as connect you with other resources, including counseling.

How can I give at Christ Community?

Giving is an important part of worship. Learn more about the various ways to generously give as part of Christ Community.