First Wesleyan Church
The Curses - Deuteronomy 27:9-26
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Locations & Times
First Wesleyan Church
3040 Marlin Dr, Rapid City, SD 57703, USA
Sunday 8:20 AM
Sunday 9:50 AM
1. You shall keep God's commandments.
“It is healthy for all believers periodically to review the basis of their status and to reenter, as it were, the experience of being God’s elect ones.” (Cornerstone Biblical Commentary, Lev-Deut, Comfort, 623).
“These verses beautifully show the relationship between the covenant and obedience. The covenant was established first; obedience followed. The covenant was Yahweh’s free gift; it was not determined by any prior obedience or good works on Israel’s part. Obedience was not a condition for the covenant but the outcome of it.” (The Preacher’s Commentary, Deut.-Maxwell, 276)
2. The two groups were to be divided.
“Levi is here put among the rest, to teach ministers to apply themselves the blessing and curse which they preach to others, and by faith to set their own Amen to it.” (Commentaries on Deuteronomy, Henry, clvii)
“The striking things about this collection of evils, and that which gives it cohesion, is the note of the secrecy of these sins. Such offenses might escape human eyes and evade human justice, but they would not evade the sight and justice of God.” (Beacon Bible Commentary-Gen-Deut., Ford/Deasely, 595
3. The Curses.
“What is the only thing separating from either being cursed or blessed? It is the presence of God in the center.”
4. The community had a role.
Sermon Discussion Questions
1. How has your life been blessed by one other, specifically this last week? What is one way that God has blessed you this past week? Share these with someone.
2. How do we wrestle through not just “keeping the commandments” but loving God and then obeying Him?
3. Who are some good Biblical examples who loved God and obeyed Him because of that love?
4. Is there an area you need to “keep silent” about with the Lord?
5. What did you think about the comment that the Blessings come from Jesus in Matthew 5 in the Beatitudes? Read through Matthew 5:3-12 and relate those blessings to your life today.
6. Do you need to address any curses in verses 15-26 in your life?
7. What is an area of your life you need to be careful to say your “Amen” to?
1. How has your life been blessed by one other, specifically this last week? What is one way that God has blessed you this past week? Share these with someone.
2. How do we wrestle through not just “keeping the commandments” but loving God and then obeying Him?
3. Who are some good Biblical examples who loved God and obeyed Him because of that love?
4. Is there an area you need to “keep silent” about with the Lord?
5. What did you think about the comment that the Blessings come from Jesus in Matthew 5 in the Beatitudes? Read through Matthew 5:3-12 and relate those blessings to your life today.
6. Do you need to address any curses in verses 15-26 in your life?
7. What is an area of your life you need to be careful to say your “Amen” to?