Risen Life Church

Worship Service - Ecclesiastes Ch 10-11
Ecclesiastes is a great book that speaks into our current day as it wrestles with the seeming futility of life that we all sometimes feel. In Ecclesiastes we learn that life apart from God is truly meaningless, but as we fear God and walk with him there is much in life to be enjoyed. King Solomon makes his point by exploring the many avenues we as humans walk to try to find meaning, purpose and happiness including–wealth, work, education, sex, partying, and more. At the end of the day, no matter what we try, it is walking with Jesus that brings fulfillment in life. We hope you will join us over the next couple weeks as we explore life under and above the sun.
Locations & Times
Risen Life Church
2780 E 3900 S, Salt Lake City, UT 84124, USA
Sunday 10:30 AM
Risen Life Church Website
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http://risenlifeutah.org/This Week's Scripture
This week's scripture references can also be found at the following address:
http://bible.com/events/49091787Ecclesiastes Ch 10-11
1. Wisdom for the Journey – vs. 10:1 – 11:4
2. Journeying with God – vs. 11:5 – 10
1. Wisdom for the Journey – vs. 10:1 – 11:4
2. Journeying with God – vs. 11:5 – 10
1. Wisdom for the Journey – vs. 10:1 – 11:4
a. Choose Wisdom – vs. 10:1
b. Guard Your Heart – vs. 10:2-3
c. Stay Calm in the Crazy – vs. 10:4
d. Help People Get Into Right Places – vs. 10:5-7, 16-17
e. Expect trouble – vs. 10:8-11
f. Be Gracious and Kind with your Words – vs. 10:12
g. Live Life Fully – vs. 10:13 – 11:4
2. Journeying with God – vs. 11:5 – 10