Eagle LifeChurch

"ARMED WITH HOPE" | Living Hope (Week 6)
Today, @EagleLifeChurch we continue the series-of-sermons called “Living Hope.” This is week six in the 8-week series. This series focuses on experiencing HOPE in the midst of life’s difficulties and struggles. In our culture, people are subjected to (surrounded by) dying hope. Hope has been replaced with hurt, abuse, trauma, lies, and despair. During this series, we will learn to find our LIVING HOPE in a savior who has struggled and suffered, who has been sabotaged and betrayed, who was beaten and buried. Still, he claimed the final victory over dying hope by rising from the grave and inviting us to experience living hope. In today's message, you will learn skills and attitudes to help you live with a mindset of Hope even in the midst of trouble and strife.
Locations & Times
Ascend Church
3838 W Floating Feather Rd, Eagle, ID 83616, USA
Sunday 10:30 AM
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SPEAKER: Michael Romero, Family Life Pastor
THEME VERSE: 1 Peter 1:3
SCRIPTURE: 1 Peter 3:13-17; 1 Peter 4:1-11; John 16:33; James 1:2-4; Romans 12:1-2; Matthew 14:36 (ESV)
1. Embrace the Mindset of Christ
2. Do Not Consent
3. Prepare
a. Live Each Day as Though Christ Could Return at Once
b. Maintain a Clear Mind
c. Stay Alert in Prayer
d. Make Love a Priority
e. Steward the Gifts
f. Praise God
NEXT STEPS: Say, "YES" to Jesus!
Use the following plans to grow in your faith and build a relationship with God this week.