Good Shepherd Baptist Church

From Undesireable To Undeniable
We’ve all found ourselves in undesirable places due to foolish decisions, or unforeseen circumstances. Either way, it never stops God’s undeniable favor, love, and mercy from rescuing us out of those places, especially when we are least deserving of it. Will we be willing to trust God to lead us out of those places?
Locations & Times
Good Shepherd Baptist Church
2274 Porter Rd, Bear, DE 19701, USA
Sunday 10:00 AM
For first time visitors
Thank you for joining us this morning! If it's your first time visiting, we'd love to get to know you. You can connect with us by tapping the link below!, we are going to look at a narrative of a man who not only found himself in an undesirable physical place, it was an undeniable spiritual and mental place that he could not do much about without God’s intervention. Many of us can relate because we’ve been in those undesirable physical, mental, and spiritual places.
- You feel as though there’s not much you could do, it’s a place where
you feel defeated, deflated, and depleted of hope for the future.
- In today’s teaching, we’re going to see that it's in those very real
undesirable places, where we experience the undeniable grace, mercy, and favor that gives us hope that we’ll make it through.
- You feel as though there’s not much you could do, it’s a place where
you feel defeated, deflated, and depleted of hope for the future.
- In today’s teaching, we’re going to see that it's in those very real
undesirable places, where we experience the undeniable grace, mercy, and favor that gives us hope that we’ll make it through.
This chapter begins w/ King David asking a question:
“Is there anyone remaining from the family of Saul….”
Who is David?
1. He’s the ultimate underdog that confronts the giant Goliath who no one would dare step up to
2. He’s a fearless shepherd that kills a bear and a lion in order to save his sheep
3. And now, at this point of his life, he is the undisputed popular King of Israel
4. He’s a TYPE OF CHRIST: symbolic representation that foreshadows the likeness of Christ.
“Is there anyone remaining from the family of Saul….”
Who is David?
1. He’s the ultimate underdog that confronts the giant Goliath who no one would dare step up to
2. He’s a fearless shepherd that kills a bear and a lion in order to save his sheep
3. And now, at this point of his life, he is the undisputed popular King of Israel
4. He’s a TYPE OF CHRIST: symbolic representation that foreshadows the likeness of Christ.
- Killed the giant named Goliath
- Shepherd that protected his sheep (He's mindful of His sheep)
- God promised him an Eternal Kingdom
- Born in Bethlehem
- Born 1,000 years before Jesus
- Killed the giant enemy of sin and death; destroyed satan at the cross
- Is given the title, The Good Shepherd that is willing to leave the 99 for the 1 that is lost. (He’s mindful of you)
- Will reign eternally as King
- Born in Bethlehem
- Jesus is considered the Son of David; is from the bloodline of David - so the connection is real
- Killed the giant named Goliath
- Shepherd that protected his sheep (He's mindful of His sheep)
- God promised him an Eternal Kingdom
- Born in Bethlehem
- Born 1,000 years before Jesus
- Killed the giant enemy of sin and death; destroyed satan at the cross
- Is given the title, The Good Shepherd that is willing to leave the 99 for the 1 that is lost. (He’s mindful of you)
- Will reign eternally as King
- Born in Bethlehem
- Jesus is considered the Son of David; is from the bloodline of David - so the connection is real
David asks:
“Is there anyone left from the house of Saul that I may bless?”
“Is there anyone left from the house of Saul that I may bless?”
Who is Mephibosheth?
Son of Jonathan, Born in Royalty, a prince, born in wealth;
1. At the very innocent age of 5, while Israel was being invaded by the Philistines, his nanny tried to rush him to safety, but in that process she dropped him causing him to become crippled.
2. Both his father Jonathan, and his grandfather, King Saul die in battle
3. He found himself living and being raised in an undesirable place: LO DEBAR.
Son of Jonathan, Born in Royalty, a prince, born in wealth;
1. At the very innocent age of 5, while Israel was being invaded by the Philistines, his nanny tried to rush him to safety, but in that process she dropped him causing him to become crippled.
2. Both his father Jonathan, and his grandfather, King Saul die in battle
3. He found himself living and being raised in an undesirable place: LO DEBAR.
Lo Debar
Debar = Word or thing;
1. Lo = no (minus, disqualify, cancel, reject, to negate);
2. Lo-debar = No Word, No thing (nothingness)
Debar = Word or thing;
1. Lo = no (minus, disqualify, cancel, reject, to negate);
2. Lo-debar = No Word, No thing (nothingness)
There’s only one way out of Lodebar, it’s the road to salvation
Would you like to follow the Romans Road to salvation? It’s the one that leads us out of LODEBAR.
If so, here is a simple prayer you can pray to God. Saying this prayer is a way to declare to God that you are relying on Jesus Christ for your salvation. The words themselves will not save you. Only faith in Jesus Christ can provide salvation!
“God, I’ve messed up. I’ve sinned. I am deserving of punishment. But I thank Jeus for taking the punishment that I deserve so that through faith in Him I could be forgiven. Help me God, as i place my trust in you for salvation - i don't want to go to hell. With your Thank You for Your wonderful grace and forgiveness - the gift of eternal life! Amen!”
If so, here is a simple prayer you can pray to God. Saying this prayer is a way to declare to God that you are relying on Jesus Christ for your salvation. The words themselves will not save you. Only faith in Jesus Christ can provide salvation!
“God, I’ve messed up. I’ve sinned. I am deserving of punishment. But I thank Jeus for taking the punishment that I deserve so that through faith in Him I could be forgiven. Help me God, as i place my trust in you for salvation - i don't want to go to hell. With your Thank You for Your wonderful grace and forgiveness - the gift of eternal life! Amen!”