CCC Service

Weekend Worship | May 7
“Revelation: The Invulnerable Vulnerable" | May 7 | Revelation 10–11
Locations & Times
Central Christian Church
2900 N Rock Rd, Wichita, KS 67226, USA
Sunday 9:30 AM
This interlude, as with the one in the seals, highlights the protection of God’s people and he delay of final judgment.
Key Thoughts from Chapter 10
1. There is more to communicate to God’s people.
2. There are still some things that will be hidden.
3. The message is both sweet and bitter for God’s people.
1. There is more to communicate to God’s people.
2. There are still some things that will be hidden.
3. The message is both sweet and bitter for God’s people.
TRUTH 1: God’s presence and ultimate care and protection is sure, but physical trial and suffering will occur.
TRUTH 2: Our calling as God’s protected people is to bear witness to him with our words and deeds, knowing that it will instigate persecution and hatred by this world but, while they rejoice over our suffering we will stand again brought to everlasting life and victory.
TRUTH 3: This world which stands against Jesus and His people will become His and ours. They rage but His wrath will quiet the raging, they refuse to listen they will be judged. The time has come for the reward of those who overcome.
Key Theme:
In the assurance of his presence and protection we have a call to be witnesses, even in light of hardship and difficulty.
Key Application:
Be faithful witness willing to lay our lives down in light of our reward.
Key Verse:
Revelation 11:15 “Then the seventh angel blew his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, saying, “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he shall reign forever and ever.”
Key Questions:
1. Do you walk in the knowledge of His presence and protection?
2. If you do not know Jesus, where do you find refuge? What about God himself if you were to stand before him today would you be able to claim Jesus as your refuge, why?
3. How can you grow in your witness for Him?
4. How does the praise of Revelation 11:17-18 affect you? Does it give you passion for more faithfulness in your life? Why or why not?
In the assurance of his presence and protection we have a call to be witnesses, even in light of hardship and difficulty.
Key Application:
Be faithful witness willing to lay our lives down in light of our reward.
Key Verse:
Revelation 11:15 “Then the seventh angel blew his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, saying, “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he shall reign forever and ever.”
Key Questions:
1. Do you walk in the knowledge of His presence and protection?
2. If you do not know Jesus, where do you find refuge? What about God himself if you were to stand before him today would you be able to claim Jesus as your refuge, why?
3. How can you grow in your witness for Him?
4. How does the praise of Revelation 11:17-18 affect you? Does it give you passion for more faithfulness in your life? Why or why not?
Download Today's Takeaways for today’s sermon are available upon request in the church office.
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