Valley Church

You Can Trust God to Write Your Story
We look forward to worshipping with you today!
Locations & Times
Valley Church
4343 Fuller Rd, West Des Moines, IA 50265, USA
Sunday 8:15 AM
Sunday 9:30 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM
Welcome to Valley!
We are so glad that you could celebrate with us today.
We are so glad that you could celebrate with us today.
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Rely on God.
Rely on God.
Seek his glory.
Be confident.
Be confident.
Plan well.
Stay humble.
Stay humble.
Pursue understanding.
Discover joy.
Discover joy.
Trust fully.
Experience peace.
Experience peace.
Discussion Questions
1. What’s one of your favorite stories from a book or movie? Why? What’s one of the messages from the story that you love or appreciate?
2. Read Proverbs 16:1. Think it through. Rely on God. Why is it good to take time to ponder your story within God’s story? How have you benefitted from slowing down to think something through? What encouragement do you gain from knowing that God is in control?
3. Read Proverbs 16:3. Seek his glory. Be confident. What do you think motivates us from wanting to control so many things? Share about a time when you gave over something to God and truly let him have the ownership of that area of your life.
4. Read Proverbs 16:9. Plan well. Stay humble. Tell about something you never expected to happen in your life – either for better or for worse. What have you learned along the way?
5. Read Proverbs 16:20. Pursue understanding. Discover joy. How does a deeper understanding of a situation, relationship, or problem help you find a better outcome or path? Share about someone you know who has deep faith in the Lord, and expresses joy in living.
6. Read Proverbs 16:33. Trust fully. Experience peace. Share a (seemingly) random happening in your life that turned out to have positive, long-term consequences.
7. How can the message of Proverbs 16 impact the way you relate to the One Life the Lord has placed in your life? How can you build a bridge of encouragement during the month of May with them?
8. Love You Des Moines Days are coming soon (June 10-18). List the ways your Life Group is planning on being involved. Pray for these important days to love our neighbors and community.
2. Read Proverbs 16:1. Think it through. Rely on God. Why is it good to take time to ponder your story within God’s story? How have you benefitted from slowing down to think something through? What encouragement do you gain from knowing that God is in control?
3. Read Proverbs 16:3. Seek his glory. Be confident. What do you think motivates us from wanting to control so many things? Share about a time when you gave over something to God and truly let him have the ownership of that area of your life.
4. Read Proverbs 16:9. Plan well. Stay humble. Tell about something you never expected to happen in your life – either for better or for worse. What have you learned along the way?
5. Read Proverbs 16:20. Pursue understanding. Discover joy. How does a deeper understanding of a situation, relationship, or problem help you find a better outcome or path? Share about someone you know who has deep faith in the Lord, and expresses joy in living.
6. Read Proverbs 16:33. Trust fully. Experience peace. Share a (seemingly) random happening in your life that turned out to have positive, long-term consequences.
7. How can the message of Proverbs 16 impact the way you relate to the One Life the Lord has placed in your life? How can you build a bridge of encouragement during the month of May with them?
8. Love You Des Moines Days are coming soon (June 10-18). List the ways your Life Group is planning on being involved. Pray for these important days to love our neighbors and community.