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Covenant Baptist Church

05/07/2023  Judgement Shmudgement

05/07/2023 Judgement Shmudgement

Come | Grow | Serve | Go

Locations & Times

Covenant Baptist Church

1350 E Industrial Rd, Mt Vernon, MO 65712, USA

Sunday 9:15 AM

Sermon Title: Judgement Shmudgement
Sermon Text: Luke 19:28-44
Preparation Question: Do you merely know Jesus or do you really know Jesus?
1. God knew us and came for us anyway that we might know Him.
2. Many of the people at the “Triumphal Entry” knew of Jesus and came to see Him, but they didn’t come to know Him.
3. The ultimate consequence of not having a relationship with Jesus is missing out on knowing Jesus.
Response Questions:
1. Why is the incarnation, Jesus coming to earth as a human to save humans, so astounding?
2. What does it mean to have a relationship with God? How is that even possible?
3. How did so many of the Jews in Jesus' time miss the fact that He was/is the Messiah? Was it easier or more difficult for them to believe than it is for us now?
4. Why do you come to church? Is it to check a box, sing some songs, hear a sermon, or is it that you might experience and know Jesus and his bride better?
5. What will you do this week to know Jesus more and make Him known to others?