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The Summit Church

"Knockoff gods": Counter-Culture

"Knockoff gods": Counter-Culture

Discussion Guide: Week 2

Locations & Times

The Summit Church - Kernersville

4440 High Point Rd, Kernersville, NC 27284, USA

Thursday 6:30 PM

Sunday 9:30 AM

Sunday 11:00 AM

Use this space to take your general notes during the message.
We are continuing our series called "knockoff gods". One of the biggest challenges that we as Followers of Jesus often face is our own culture. It is so important to understand this challenge because Jesus Himself struggled against culture. In fact, Jesus was countercultural in almost every way. In what ways did Jesus challenge the cultural norms of the world?
As Jesus-followers, we should still be allowing Jesus to set the pace for how we live our lives. Why is this so difficult?
Read Matthew 9:36. Pastor Jonathan reminded us that Jesus' love for God was expressed through His love for others. In what ways does this passage reflect this truth?
Unfortunately, our culture seems to flip Jesus' value system upside down. Too often, we prioritize our love for ourselves over our love for others and even our love for God. How do you see this reflected in everyday life? Here are some examples that might help put that into perspective: love, money, politics…
Read Romans 12:1-2. Paul was speaking to the Christians in Rome. What does it look like to "not conform" and to "be transformed"?
Pastor Jonathan gave us a great question that we can ask ourselves. "How does following the countercultural way of Jesus impact my beliefs about _________?" Consider your own life. What are some topics that you can put into that blank to add perspective to what you value?
Take time and pray. Ask God to help you lay aside your opinions and to consider the countercultural way of Jesus. Ask our Heavenly Father to give you compassion to handle difficult situations and conversations, and for Him to show ways that you can love others.