OneLife Church

Life Changing Questions - Part 2 - Wise Guy
Locations & Times
North Campus
3503 W Emory Rd, Powell, TN 37849, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:45 AM
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OneLife Church exists to see people discover Jesus and how their one life can make a difference. We are passionate about it! Head over to to learn more about us!
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1. What is wise for someone else may not be wise for me. What is wise for me may not be wise for someone else.
2.The wise thing to do is what pleases my Father.
3. The wise thing to do is always an option.
4. The wise thing to do is usually not what everyone else expects.
What is something that you do that isn't wrong, but other people would think it is crazy or tell you "That's not alright!"? (i.e. ketchup on macaroni!)
When have you made a decision or a choice to do something because you determined that there's nothing wrong with it, but then it backfired on you and you wish you had done something different?
What is something that you do that isn't wrong, but other people would think it is crazy or tell you "That's not alright!"? (i.e. ketchup on macaroni!)
When have you made a decision or a choice to do something because you determined that there's nothing wrong with it, but then it backfired on you and you wish you had done something different?
Read Ephesians 5:15-16. Where is the focus of the first sentence in this passage? Who are we to be most worried about is being careful? Why does this matter?
What are the two ways that we are told we will live our lives, either like ____ or like ____? Why do you think it is boiled down to one or the other? Compare that to an earthly father to help it possible to almost please your father?
Read Proverbs 13:10 and James 3:17. How do these verses help us to determine what is wise? How can these help you answer the question, "What is the wise thing for me to do?"
Read Ephesians 5:15-16. Where is the focus of the first sentence in this passage? Who are we to be most worried about is being careful? Why does this matter?
What are the two ways that we are told we will live our lives, either like ____ or like ____? Why do you think it is boiled down to one or the other? Compare that to an earthly father to help it possible to almost please your father?
Read Proverbs 13:10 and James 3:17. How do these verses help us to determine what is wise? How can these help you answer the question, "What is the wise thing for me to do?"
When have you had to make a decision to do something that you felt was wise for you and what God wanted you to do, but it would not necessarily be wise for someone else to do? How did you experience that doing the wise thing was not what everyone else wanted or expected you to do?
When you think about "make the most of every opportunity" what comes to mind? What are the opportunities you have to carefully discern and listen to what God wants you to do, even when there may not be a specific verse that gives you a rule to follow or an answer to the exact situation you are in?
Read James 1:5. Have you ever experienced this before? How did God answer you? How does this give you confidence that you can know what to do when there is a choice to make?
When have you had to make a decision to do something that you felt was wise for you and what God wanted you to do, but it would not necessarily be wise for someone else to do? How did you experience that doing the wise thing was not what everyone else wanted or expected you to do?
When you think about "make the most of every opportunity" what comes to mind? What are the opportunities you have to carefully discern and listen to what God wants you to do, even when there may not be a specific verse that gives you a rule to follow or an answer to the exact situation you are in?
Read James 1:5. Have you ever experienced this before? How did God answer you? How does this give you confidence that you can know what to do when there is a choice to make?
Read Ephesians 1:17. Knowing the Father better is how we gain wisdom to know what pleases him. What can you do this week and beyond to get to know the Father better? How will this help you determine what is wise for you in future circumstances that you don't even know about yet?
What is one choice or situation that you are facing where asking "what is the wise thing to do" is what you need to do - or can do - to make the right choice?
As you discuss the answer to the previous question, what do you sense the Holy Spirit is telling you to do? What are you going to do about it?
Read Ephesians 1:17. Knowing the Father better is how we gain wisdom to know what pleases him. What can you do this week and beyond to get to know the Father better? How will this help you determine what is wise for you in future circumstances that you don't even know about yet?
What is one choice or situation that you are facing where asking "what is the wise thing to do" is what you need to do - or can do - to make the right choice?
As you discuss the answer to the previous question, what do you sense the Holy Spirit is telling you to do? What are you going to do about it?
Pray for each other and the answers you gave to the last question in the previous question. Pray for each other to have boldness and faith to do what God wants you to do and leave the consequences to Him. Pray that you can help and support each other as you take these steps of faith to do what pleases the Father.
Pray for each other and the answers you gave to the last question in the previous question. Pray for each other to have boldness and faith to do what God wants you to do and leave the consequences to Him. Pray that you can help and support each other as you take these steps of faith to do what pleases the Father.
Online Connection Card
Let us know that you were here, what your next step is that you are taking, or how we can pray for you and help you!