View Church Tygerberg Hills

Holy Week - Palm Sunday
Welcome to our service! You are invited to join us in-person at Tygerberg High School for our 08:45 or 10:15 service.
Locations & Times
View Church Tygerberg Hills
120 Fairfield St, De Tijger, Cape Town, 7500, South Africa
Sunday 8:45 AM
Sunday 10:15 AM
Easter only becomes POWERFUL when it becomes PERSONAL
Jesus came for lost people
Jesus enters our city the same way He did theirs - paved by what is in our hands
Jesus doesn’t want you to simply know of Him, He wants you to have a relationship with him.
Connect with us
We would love to get to know you! Please complete your details on our Online Connect Card and a friendly volunteer will get in touch with you. Online
We would like to encourage you to stay faithful in your giving, if you would like to give online or via SnapScan please use this link: