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Grace Church

Trees - #1 Palm Trees and Olive Trees

Trees - #1 Palm Trees and Olive Trees

There are a few very significant trees that tell the story of Jesus. On Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday, we are going to take a closer look at what these trees represent to us.

Locations & Times

Grace Community Church

8950 M-79, Nashville, MI 49073, USA

Sunday 10:00 AM

As Spring starts slowly crawling into existence, one of the things we can anticipate is the trees as they return to life.
Here in America, we've grown up hearing how valuable trees are to humanity.
Trees produce oxygen and protect the soil in countless ways as well as many other benefits. Despite everything going on in the world, the world's tree cover actually increased by 2.24 million square kilometers over the past 35 years.
Trees are some of the oldest living things on planet earth. The oldest tree is a Great Basin bristlecone pine tree growing in eastern California at 4,854 years old; Methuselah is its name.
There is much talk about trees in the Bible.
Today is Palm Sunday and Christians all around the world are celebrating a historical event that involved Palm Trees and Olive Trees some 2,000 years ago.
The Palm Trees of Jerusalem
Matthew 21:1-11; Mark 11:1-11; Luke 19:28-44; John 12:12-19

Palm Sunday marks the start of what is often called the "Passion Week." We are at the final 7 days of Jesus' ministry.
It begins with the celebration of His triumphal entry into Jerusalem and marks the "beginning of the end" of Jesus' work on earth.
His entire earthly life and ministry had led to this moment. He was to offer His life up as a sacrifice for the sins of humanity and to provide a way for mankind to be reconciled to God the Father.
As Jesus ascended toward Jerusalem, a large multitude gathered around Him and came out to greet Him.
The crowd's actions along the road gave rise to the name "Palm Sunday."
Matthew 21:8
John 12:12-13a
In strewing their cloaks on the road, the people were giving Jesus the royal treatment. The Jews were familiar with their former kings receiving this honor.
Palm branches were regarded as tokens of joy and triumph and were customarily used in social and religious occasions.
It was an amazing day of celebration because the Jews thought Jesus was going to drive the Romans out of their land and establish God's long awaited kingdom. However, they didn't really understand who Jesus was, or His mission.
A few things we can learn from the Palm Trees of Jerusalem:

1. Jesus is the Savior of the world and the King above all kings.
2. It is good to celebrate Palm Sunday.
3. The motive for our celebrating Jesus is more important than the manner in which we celebrate.
4. It is possible to celebrate the wrong thing, for the wrong reason, and at the wrong time.
As the Jewish leaders saw the rising of Jesus' popularity, they grew intimidated and then angry. So they began plotting against Him. They did a disinformation campaign and their spin-doctors began to weave a narrative to turn truth into lies.
The Olive Trees of Gethsemane
Matthew 26:36-56; Mark 14:32-50; Luke 22:39-53; John 18:1-12

By the end of the week, Jesus was no longer basking in the shadows of the Palm Trees, but had taken refuge in a large grove of Olive Trees. This is a place called Gethsemane on the west side of the Mount of Olives. The name Gethsemane means "oil press" - a place where olives are crushed under tremendous weight, producing beautiful and valuable olive oil.
It is here that Jesus spent most of the evening in deep agonizing prayer to His Father. He had come to die for the sins of the world and was aligning His will with that of His Father.
Seemingly alone, Jesus was then betrayed, arrested, beaten, falsely accused, and unjustly tried.

The Olive Trees symbolize the conflict that Jesus had in His life and this world as He sought to Honor God and Help people.
All of us, figuratively, will find ourselves, from time to time, in a grove of Olive Trees. Gethsemane is where we endure conflict simply because we love God and want to live for Him, and want to be a blessing to others.
A few things we can learn from the Olive Trees of Gethsemane:

1. No on is immune from the conflict that comes from loving God and helping people.
2 Timothy 3:12
2. God has a mission for our life and the Olive Trees are there to refine and strengthen us.
3. Seeking God and staying the course with Him is evidence of our faith in Him.
4. One of the greatest gifts we can give someone in Gethsemane isn’t our cheers, but our loyalty and prayers.

Grace Church Website

CJ's Coffee Shop Pre-Order Link

H.O.M.E. Groups

Do you have a Home Group? Visit the website to learn about which groups are meeting; you can sign-up for a group there as well. You can also contact the church office; we'd love to help you with this (

Mentoring at Grace

There are several men and women at Grace Church who have completed the mentoring program here at Grace and are looking to invest in and share what they've learned with someone else. Have you thought about growing in your faith through the Grace Church mentoring program?
Contact the church office with any questions or to get the process started ( or you can talk with any of the staff and elders.

Bible Reading Plan

We hope you are taking part in the 2023 Bible Reading Plan. This also includes devotionals from Pastor Josh each week. Visit the website at the link below or find paper copies in CJ's. Let us know if you have any questions!

Gracewear Shopping Link

Grace Church has a shopping link for Gracewear through Courtside Screen Printing & Embroidery. Use the link below to take a look. All questions and orders go directly through Courtside. Their contact information can be found at the bottom of the page.

CJ's is Open on Wednesdays

You can take advantage of the opportunity to hang out in CJ's on Wednesday evenings from 5:30-7:30 pm this winter/spring.
Meet up with friends, bring a project to work on, or just spend some quiet time reading or praying.

Pastor Don's Blog - Through the Lens

Lisa's Blog - Worship Moments

The Greenhouse Project

Visit The Greenhouse Project at our church website to find out what classes are being offered. Contact Lisa Sterkenburg if you have questions (

Easter Egg Hunt

The annual Easter Egg Hunt outreach event is coming up on April 8th at 10:00 am at Putnam Park in Nashville. We need lots of help to make this event happen for the families in our community. There are many ways you can get involved, from donating candy to helping to stuff eggs to volunteering at the event on the 8th. Use the form below to sign-up.
Birthdays and Anniversaries We're Celebrating This Week!

Saturday, April 1st - Gloria Rolfe, Dayton Walker
Tuesday, April 4th - Elaine Hoxie
Wednesday, April 5th - Claire Golden
Thursday, April 6th - Addison Van De Moortel
Friday, April 7th - Finley Justice

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