CCC Service

Weekend Worship | March 26
“Revelation: The Seven Seals" | March 26 | Revelation 6:1-17
Locations & Times
Central Christian Church
2900 N Rock Rd, Wichita, KS 67226, USA
Sunday 9:30 AM
Ways of keeping
1. Trust and watch for His purifying work
2. Lean into the true security blanket
3. Walk as exiles
1. Trust and watch for His purifying work
2. Lean into the true security blanket
3. Walk as exiles
I. Foundations for judgment
a. Judgment comes from love
b. It comes because of idolatry
a. Judgment comes from love
b. It comes because of idolatry
I. Foundations for judgment
a. Judgment comes from love
b. It comes because of idolatry
c. Purifies the follower
a. Judgment comes from love
b. It comes because of idolatry
c. Purifies the follower
II. The nature of the latter days
II. The nature of the latter days
a. Counterfeit christs
b. War
c. Famine
d. Pestilence
a. Counterfeit christs
b. War
c. Famine
d. Pestilence
III. The cry of the slain
a. To the Sovereign
b. How long?
c. Bring justice
a. To the Sovereign
b. How long?
c. Bring justice
IV. All objects of false worship removed
a. All creation
b. All the dwellers of earth
a. All creation
b. All the dwellers of earth
V. Ways to keep
a. Trust and watch for His purifying work
b. Lean into the true security blanket
c. Walk as exiles
a. Trust and watch for His purifying work
b. Lean into the true security blanket
c. Walk as exiles
Key Theme:
The latter days will be marked with difficult things but the Sovereign Lord will fulfill His purposes, protect and refine His people, and bring about justice.
Key Application:
In light of the days we live in trust in the one who is coming and walk as those passing through this earth with eyes fixed upon Him.
Key Verse:
1 Peter 2:11 “Beloved, I urge you as sojourners and exiles to abstain from the passions of the flesh, which wage war against your soul.”
Key Questions:
1. What idols are you tempted to continue to hold on to?
2. Consider how you live life when you are visiting or passing through somewhere, how can this inform how we are to live as those just passing through this world? What should our priorities be and does your life reflect that?
3. Talk about how you see the four horsemen in our world today?
The latter days will be marked with difficult things but the Sovereign Lord will fulfill His purposes, protect and refine His people, and bring about justice.
Key Application:
In light of the days we live in trust in the one who is coming and walk as those passing through this earth with eyes fixed upon Him.
Key Verse:
1 Peter 2:11 “Beloved, I urge you as sojourners and exiles to abstain from the passions of the flesh, which wage war against your soul.”
Key Questions:
1. What idols are you tempted to continue to hold on to?
2. Consider how you live life when you are visiting or passing through somewhere, how can this inform how we are to live as those just passing through this world? What should our priorities be and does your life reflect that?
3. Talk about how you see the four horsemen in our world today?
Download Today's Takeaways for today’s sermon are available upon request in the church office.
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