Real Life Church KC

All for the Glory of God
Locations & Times
Kentucky Trail Elementary
8301 E 163rd St, Belton, MO 64012, USA
Sunday 9:30 AM
God wants your marriage to exist…. All for the glory of God.
Relationships are hard, but marriages based on ourselves are even harder.
Relationships are hard, but marriages based on ourselves are even harder.
1. You must be MATCHED for the Glory of God.
What do you do when you and your spouse aren’t “Equally yoked” matched together – or you are not in a position to accomplish what God has called you to do together?
What do you do when you and your spouse aren’t “Equally yoked” matched together – or you are not in a position to accomplish what God has called you to do together?
Not just both BELIEVING… but both WILLING to say “ALL FOR THE GLORY OF GOD.”
Do we match our character, passion, heart, humility … ALL FOR THE GLORY OF GOD?
Do we match our character, passion, heart, humility … ALL FOR THE GLORY OF GOD?
Paul found so much value in Aquila and Priscilla that he not only brought them from CORINTH, but then he left them in Ephesus to minister the GOSPEL.
2. You need to be passionate about the WORD OF GOD.
Aquila and Priscilla unlocked the potential in others for the gospel to go forth!
They were so passionate about the WORD OF GOD getting to people they were willing to die for it
How far are you willing to risk your life so the WORD OF GOD goes out to others?
3. The Mission is Bigger than Yourself
Living on mission together looked like opening their home to the work of God in multiple cities, opening their home for the church, and being in tune and obedient to the call of God and ALL the gentle churches were thankful to them and their ministry!
What it means is the priority was never on my happiness –but it was on the glory of God and his call on my life.
What it means is the priority was never on my happiness –but it was on the glory of God and his call on my life.
The meaning of the word “submit” here really implies the “taking on the mind-set of a servant, where instead of expecting others to cater to you and your needs, you look out for and seek to meet their needs."
Jesus gave us the perfect picture, and perfect example of how to submit to one another. How to have the mindset of a servant, and how to live with each other.
It’s All for the Glory of God!
Talk It Over
1. Which part of the message stood out to you the most? How has that challenged the way you think about marriage/relationship?
2. In what ways is it easier to follow God when your relationship is truly “equally yoked?” What are 2-3 things you could do to discover the heart of your spouse and open communication regarding the call of God on your marriage?
3. Aquila and Priscilla were passionate about the word of God! What is one way you could add the word of God into your marriage/relationship? Priscilla and Aquila were instrumental in leading and empowering Apollos to have a great ministry. Who in your life can you as a couple, encourage and lead to be a better follower of the word?
4. Re-read Philippians 2:1-8. What characteristics stand out to you about how Jesus lived and led? Which 2-3 characteristics could you add into your marriage over the next 30 days to make a meaningful improvement in your relationship being on mission.
5. Diane shared that Aquila and Priscilla’s marriage was All for the Glory of God! Start a conversation with your spouse about what it would look like for your marriage to be ALL for the glory of God. What is 1 thing you will both commit to add/remove/change about yourself to be all for the glory of God.
1. Which part of the message stood out to you the most? How has that challenged the way you think about marriage/relationship?
2. In what ways is it easier to follow God when your relationship is truly “equally yoked?” What are 2-3 things you could do to discover the heart of your spouse and open communication regarding the call of God on your marriage?
3. Aquila and Priscilla were passionate about the word of God! What is one way you could add the word of God into your marriage/relationship? Priscilla and Aquila were instrumental in leading and empowering Apollos to have a great ministry. Who in your life can you as a couple, encourage and lead to be a better follower of the word?
4. Re-read Philippians 2:1-8. What characteristics stand out to you about how Jesus lived and led? Which 2-3 characteristics could you add into your marriage over the next 30 days to make a meaningful improvement in your relationship being on mission.
5. Diane shared that Aquila and Priscilla’s marriage was All for the Glory of God! Start a conversation with your spouse about what it would look like for your marriage to be ALL for the glory of God. What is 1 thing you will both commit to add/remove/change about yourself to be all for the glory of God.
If you started a relationship with Jesus please let us know by checking "I committed my life to Christ" in your communication card or following the link below. GENEROSITY IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE
Thank you for being so faithful. We couldn't accomplish all we do without your support. Together let's pave the way to make much of Jesus!