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Hillside Assembly of God

How to be Confident and Unashamed before Jesus!

Sunday morning

Locations & Times

Gillett Campus

5890 WI-22, Gillett, WI 54124, USA

Sunday 10:00 AM

How to be Confident and Unashamed before Jesus!

1 John 2:28-29
#1 John _____ ___ we are in Christ.
“Nothing is more foundational to your freedom from Satan’s bondages than understanding and affirming what God has done for you in Christ and who you are as His child. Your attitudes, actions, responses, and reactions to life’s circumstances are greatly affected by what you believe about yourself. If you see yourself as the helpless victim of Satan and his schemes, you will probably live like a victim and be in bondage to his lies. But if you see yourself as a dearly loved and accepted child of God, you will have a better chance of living like one… Every defeated Christian I have worked with has had the same thing in common. None of them have known who they were in Christ or have understood what it means to be a child of God. Scripture is very clear. “But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God” (John 1:12)”
#2 John _____ us to _____in Christ.
“continue in him [Jesus]” – it’s the Greek word- “meno” – often translated, “abide.”
“live in him,” dwell in him, endure w him, remain in Him, be present in him, stand with him, tarry or wait for him…
66X in the N.T.- 40X in his gospel, 23X in 1 John, and 3X in 2 John.
This word occurs 112X in the N.T.
#3 John introduces us to our ___ _____ in Christ.
“when he appears we may be confident” - lit. “have confidence”
– it’s a greek word that signifies a bold freedom of _______. He uses it 3 more times:
#4 John reveals to us our ___ _____ through Christ.
“If you know that Christ has God's approval, you also know that everyone who does what God approves of has been born from God. GW
The phrase "born of God" occurs 8X in 1 John: