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Valley Church

Four Habits of a Healthy Heart

Four Habits of a Healthy Heart

We look forward to worshipping with you today!

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Valley Church

4343 Fuller Rd, West Des Moines, IA 50265, USA

Sunday 8:15 AM

Sunday 9:30 AM

Sunday 11:00 AM

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God communicates that wisdom primarily through:
• prayer
• his word
• wise council
You can lead your appetite or you can let your appetite lead you.
4 Habits Of A Healthy Heart
Guard your heart
Guard your mouth
Guard your eyes
Guard your feet

Discussion Questions

1.Have you ever made what you would consider a wise purchase? Explain.

2.What is the main theme or message of Proverbs 4?

3.Read Proverbs 4:6-9. How does Proverbs 4 encourage the reader to pursue wisdom?

4.Solomon says if we don’t abandon wisdom, and if we love, cherish, and embrace wisdom, we receive many benefits. If the benefits are as substantial as this passage states, why do people find it so challenging to seek deeper wisdom?

5.Read James 1:5. What role does God play in your decision making?

6.What can we learn from the contrast of the two paths mentioned in Proverbs 4:10-19?

7.Share a time when you’ve been able to give wise advice to someone heading down the wrong path OR share a time when someone gave you advice that pulled you toward the right path.

8.How does Proverbs 4 encourage the reader to guard their heart and mind?

9.At the end of Proverbs 4, Solomon shares four habits to keep your heart healthy: guard your heart, guard your mouth, guard your eyes, guard your feet. Which of these is the most difficult for you to guard and why?

10.What is your next step in getting wisdom?