Renovation Church

The Battle - Of Time
Locations & Times
Renovation Church
3822 Cook Rd, St Joseph, MO 64505, USA
Sunday 11:12 AM
Daniel 5 - The Battle Of Our Time
Anything you have a lot of you tend to use wastefully. But anything you have a little of you tend to use wisely.
You’ll never do the right thing
from the wrong place.
from the wrong place.
Live with a sense of purpose and urgency
A divided heart produces a divided life
Just like your spouse expects you to be fully committed to them God expects for you to be fully committed to Him.
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You aren't just giving TO a church - you are giving THROUGH a church! When you give you are helping the Gospel go forth into the entire world. Thank you for being a part of what God is doing in and through Renovation Church!“I would have every man put himself into the divine scales. These scales are true to a hair--one grain of sand will tip them. On one side of the scale, I put only one commandment: “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy mind, with all thy soul, and with all thy strength,” and I invite any man who... flatters himself that he has no need of mercy, no need of washing in the blood of Jesus Christ, no need of atonement—to put himself into the scales, and see whether he measures up to just this one command. Oh, my friends, if we did but weigh ourselves against the very first commandment of the law, we would have to acknowledge ourselves as hopelessly guilty. And then as we begin to drop in the weight of the other commandments until the whole sacred Ten are there, there is not a man under the scope of heaven who has anything less to say, but must confess that he is woefully short of the mark.”
– Charles Spurgeon
– Charles Spurgeon