OneLife Church

Drama Free in 2023 - Part 2 - Where It Comes From
Locations & Times
North Campus
3503 W Emory Rd, Powell, TN 37849, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:45 AM
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OneLife Church exists to see people discover Jesus and how their one life can make a difference. We are passionate about it! Head over to to learn more about us!
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Give Jesus your best in 2023! Click below to give your tithes and offerings. Line: Drama is a symptom of the heart.
1. Drama between us is because of drama inside of us.
2. When there is drama someone doesn't have what they want.
When have you tried to treat a physical symptom only to find out that it wasn't really addressing the root problem? How was treating the symptom maybe even causing even more pain or prolonging the sickness?
When have you had a problem with something at your house or with your car or a project at work or at school, and everything you did to fix it didn't work because it wasn't actually addressing what was causing the problem?
When have you tried to treat a physical symptom only to find out that it wasn't really addressing the root problem? How was treating the symptom maybe even causing even more pain or prolonging the sickness?
When have you had a problem with something at your house or with your car or a project at work or at school, and everything you did to fix it didn't work because it wasn't actually addressing what was causing the problem?
3. I don't have what my heart wants because I don't ask.
Read just the first question in James 4:1. What would your natural and honest answer to that question be if you didn't know what the rest of this passage said? How do you think most people in your life would answer that question?
Now read the second question in James 4:1. Do you agree with the point James is making here? Why or why not? Do you think most people in your life would agree with this? Why or why not?
Read just the first question in James 4:1. What would your natural and honest answer to that question be if you didn't know what the rest of this passage said? How do you think most people in your life would answer that question?
Now read the second question in James 4:1. Do you agree with the point James is making here? Why or why not? Do you think most people in your life would agree with this? Why or why not?
Read James 4:2. When have you experienced this truth - that drama is really the result of one or both people/parties in the drama not getting what they want?
Read the last sentence of James 4:2 and all of James 4:3. What does this teach you about prayer? How have you prayed with the wrong motives for most of your spiritual journey (like we all have!)?
How have you experienced that praying with the right motives aligns your heart with the will of God?
Share about "drama" that you have had with someone recently. As you step back and look at that situation, what were the desires that you and/or they had that weren't being met? What "scheme" was used to try to get it? Did you pray about it and if so how?
What was the real need beneath the surface that only Jesus can really meet?
Read James 4:2. When have you experienced this truth - that drama is really the result of one or both people/parties in the drama not getting what they want?
Read the last sentence of James 4:2 and all of James 4:3. What does this teach you about prayer? How have you prayed with the wrong motives for most of your spiritual journey (like we all have!)?
How have you experienced that praying with the right motives aligns your heart with the will of God?
Share about "drama" that you have had with someone recently. As you step back and look at that situation, what were the desires that you and/or they had that weren't being met? What "scheme" was used to try to get it? Did you pray about it and if so how?
What was the real need beneath the surface that only Jesus can really meet?
How can you step back from a dramatic relationship or situation or conflict in your life to see it how Jesus sees it? How can you address or focus on the heart rather than the symptom of drama?
How would handling drama like we have discussed open up the door for you to put Jesus on display and live on mission? How can you share your own story about how drama affected you before following Jesus versus how you approach it - or can approach it - now that you do follow Jesus?
How can you step back from a dramatic relationship or situation or conflict in your life to see it how Jesus sees it? How can you address or focus on the heart rather than the symptom of drama?
How would handling drama like we have discussed open up the door for you to put Jesus on display and live on mission? How can you share your own story about how drama affected you before following Jesus versus how you approach it - or can approach it - now that you do follow Jesus?
Pray for each other in the microchurch to trust Jesus first and foremost to fill all of their desires. Pray for each other to be reminded in moments of conflict and fighting that there is a heart issue that can be and needs to be addressed more than the behavior in the moment. Pray that as we all humble ourselves to be more like Jesus that he will get the glory and he will be what people see in each of us.
Pray for each other in the microchurch to trust Jesus first and foremost to fill all of their desires. Pray for each other to be reminded in moments of conflict and fighting that there is a heart issue that can be and needs to be addressed more than the behavior in the moment. Pray that as we all humble ourselves to be more like Jesus that he will get the glory and he will be what people see in each of us.
4. Drama inside of me comes from wanting what I want instead of what God wants.
5. Drama is starved when my heart wants nothing more than Jesus.
Online Connection Card
Let us know that you were here, what your next step is that you are taking, or how we can pray for you and help you!