Lifespring Baptist Church
Good Intentions Vs Being Intentional
Locations & Times
Lifespring Baptist Church
300 1st Ave NW, Arab, AL 35016, USA
Sunday 9:55 AM
Good Intentions Vs Being Intentional
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
I. Is this my desire fleshly or spiritual?
Psalms 37:3-5
a. Are your motives pure?
b. Who do you want to be recognized?
II. What do you need to let go of to grab hold of your desire?
a. Does it rob me from my time with God?
b. Is it affecting me in a negative/sinful way?
III. Are you planting the seeds of the fruit you would like to gather?
a. Do I have a plan?
b. Do I do things to produce the results I want to see?
IV. How hard are you willing to work for your desire?
a. Are you willing to try something that could fail?
b. What are you doing while you’re waiting for opportunity?
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
I. Is this my desire fleshly or spiritual?
Psalms 37:3-5
a. Are your motives pure?
b. Who do you want to be recognized?
II. What do you need to let go of to grab hold of your desire?
a. Does it rob me from my time with God?
b. Is it affecting me in a negative/sinful way?
III. Are you planting the seeds of the fruit you would like to gather?
a. Do I have a plan?
b. Do I do things to produce the results I want to see?
IV. How hard are you willing to work for your desire?
a. Are you willing to try something that could fail?
b. What are you doing while you’re waiting for opportunity?
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