CrossWay Church

December 18, 2022: Ruth 4
These are the Bible passage and sermon notes for our Sunday morning worship services.
Locations & Times
CrossWay Church Battle Ground
311 N Parkway Ave, Battle Ground, WA 98604, USA
Sunday 9:30 AM
Ruth 4:1-22: The kinsmen redeems
I) Boaz does what he promised.
A) Boaz ____________ the other kinsmen redeemer and elders.
B) Boaz shares Naomi’s ___________ situation.
C) The other kinsmen redeemer is interested __________ Naomi’s land.
D) He changes his mind after hearing it involves _______________ Ruth.
1) Marrying a Moabites could ruin his _______________.
2) If Ruth had a child, they would _____________ Naomi’s land.
E) Boaz declares his intent to marry Ruth and continue Elimelek’s family line.
F) The elder pray for an _________________.
II) Boaz returns for his bride.
A) Boaz and Ruth get ____________.
B) The Lord gave Ruth a _________.
III) A child brings redemption.
A) Naomi has a kinsman _______________.
B) Ruth is redeemed and _____________________.
C) This child brought hope to the nation of __________________.
IV) ChrIst, our redeemer from Bethlehem, offers hope to all.
A) Christ will keep his promise and ___________ for his bride, the church.
B) God gives believers ___________ and peace.
I) Boaz does what he promised.
A) Boaz ____________ the other kinsmen redeemer and elders.
B) Boaz shares Naomi’s ___________ situation.
C) The other kinsmen redeemer is interested __________ Naomi’s land.
D) He changes his mind after hearing it involves _______________ Ruth.
1) Marrying a Moabites could ruin his _______________.
2) If Ruth had a child, they would _____________ Naomi’s land.
E) Boaz declares his intent to marry Ruth and continue Elimelek’s family line.
F) The elder pray for an _________________.
II) Boaz returns for his bride.
A) Boaz and Ruth get ____________.
B) The Lord gave Ruth a _________.
III) A child brings redemption.
A) Naomi has a kinsman _______________.
B) Ruth is redeemed and _____________________.
C) This child brought hope to the nation of __________________.
IV) ChrIst, our redeemer from Bethlehem, offers hope to all.
A) Christ will keep his promise and ___________ for his bride, the church.
B) God gives believers ___________ and peace.