The Bridge Church

Joseph: Living The Dream - Week 4
November 27, 2022
Locations & Times
Englewood SKY Academy
871 S River Rd, Englewood, FL 34223, USA
Tuesday 9:00 AM
Tuesday 10:30 AM
What to do while you wait:
1. Look for people to serve
1. Look for people to serve
2. Remember God has not forgotten you
3. Point people to God
In our waiting, God is working
I need to receive Jesus Christ as my personal Savior for the first time
I need to be baptized
I need to attend Starting Point
I need to join a small group
I need to join a serve team
I need to receive Jesus Christ as my personal Savior for the first time
I need to be baptized
I need to attend Starting Point
I need to join a small group
I need to join a serve team
Dig Deeper:
1. Describe a time when you had to wait…it could be happening right now! Was it challenging? If so, why?
2. How does the world help us to be impatient?
3. Read Genesis 39:22-23. Why do you think Joseph’s leadership skills stood out? What do you think he did differently than others working around him?
4. Have you ever seen someone given more responsibility because of how they lead (regardless of their status or rank)? Why did that happen?
5. Genesis 39:23 says, “the Lord made everything that he did successful.” How does this change your perspective of being successful?
6. Read Genesis 40:4-7. Do you know someone who is great at showing empathy to others…even when they are in a difficult season? Describe that person. Why do you think they are able to show such empathy?
7. Do you know someone who often gets caught up in his/her own despair and is stuck in a pity party? How is this person different than the person you described in the previous question? How is their focus different?
8. Joseph was given an opportunity to interpret two dreams. How do you think he felt when the dreams came about just as he predicted? What do you think that did for his faith in God’s promises?
9. Read Genesis 40:8b-11. Why is it important that Joseph brought the conversation back to God instead of just stating that he could interpret dreams? How is this response different than when he was seventeen and sharing his dreams with his brothers (see Genesis 37:5-11)?
10. Describe a time from your past when you had to wait, but you were able to see that God was doing a work in and through you in that time. How could you see God working?
11. Read Deuteronomy 31:8. How does knowing that God never leaves, or abandons you, affect times when you feel forgotten or alone?
12. Read Genesis 40:23. How do you think Joseph felt waiting on the cupbearer to remember him?
13. Read Genesis 41:16. Again, Joseph points his ability to interpret dreams back to God. Why was this dangerous to say to Pharoah?
14. Our job is to point people to Christ. Have you recently shared something that happened in your life, or a gift or ability you have, and pointed it back to Christ? What was the outcome?
15. What are ways we can continually point people back to Christ?
Live It Out:
How do we respond to the waiting seasons of life? Read Lamentations 3:24-25 and reflect on the following questions.
1. Look for people to serve. How can you serve someone else this week?Who in your life right now needs encouragement? How can you be a blessing to others despite your own circumstances?
2. Remember God has not forgotten you. Waiting is a gift. If you are in a season of waiting, write out how your waiting is a blessing from God. Focus on how God is moving during this season. Then, pray to God and thank him for the blessings you have. Thank Him for always being with you.
3. Point people to God. Read Genesis 41:16. Who can you share your own waiting with, and your focus on God, to provide them with hope? This week, find opportunities where you can point people not to you and your abilities, but instead give glory to God.
Reading Plan:
Monday: Genesis 40:1-10
Tuesday: Genesis 40:11-20
Wednesday: Genesis 41:1-36
Thursday: Psalm 43
Friday: Hebrews 13:15; Deuteronomy 31:6
Saturday: 1 Peter 5:6-7; Lamentations 3:24-25
1. Describe a time when you had to wait…it could be happening right now! Was it challenging? If so, why?
2. How does the world help us to be impatient?
3. Read Genesis 39:22-23. Why do you think Joseph’s leadership skills stood out? What do you think he did differently than others working around him?
4. Have you ever seen someone given more responsibility because of how they lead (regardless of their status or rank)? Why did that happen?
5. Genesis 39:23 says, “the Lord made everything that he did successful.” How does this change your perspective of being successful?
6. Read Genesis 40:4-7. Do you know someone who is great at showing empathy to others…even when they are in a difficult season? Describe that person. Why do you think they are able to show such empathy?
7. Do you know someone who often gets caught up in his/her own despair and is stuck in a pity party? How is this person different than the person you described in the previous question? How is their focus different?
8. Joseph was given an opportunity to interpret two dreams. How do you think he felt when the dreams came about just as he predicted? What do you think that did for his faith in God’s promises?
9. Read Genesis 40:8b-11. Why is it important that Joseph brought the conversation back to God instead of just stating that he could interpret dreams? How is this response different than when he was seventeen and sharing his dreams with his brothers (see Genesis 37:5-11)?
10. Describe a time from your past when you had to wait, but you were able to see that God was doing a work in and through you in that time. How could you see God working?
11. Read Deuteronomy 31:8. How does knowing that God never leaves, or abandons you, affect times when you feel forgotten or alone?
12. Read Genesis 40:23. How do you think Joseph felt waiting on the cupbearer to remember him?
13. Read Genesis 41:16. Again, Joseph points his ability to interpret dreams back to God. Why was this dangerous to say to Pharoah?
14. Our job is to point people to Christ. Have you recently shared something that happened in your life, or a gift or ability you have, and pointed it back to Christ? What was the outcome?
15. What are ways we can continually point people back to Christ?
Live It Out:
How do we respond to the waiting seasons of life? Read Lamentations 3:24-25 and reflect on the following questions.
1. Look for people to serve. How can you serve someone else this week?Who in your life right now needs encouragement? How can you be a blessing to others despite your own circumstances?
2. Remember God has not forgotten you. Waiting is a gift. If you are in a season of waiting, write out how your waiting is a blessing from God. Focus on how God is moving during this season. Then, pray to God and thank him for the blessings you have. Thank Him for always being with you.
3. Point people to God. Read Genesis 41:16. Who can you share your own waiting with, and your focus on God, to provide them with hope? This week, find opportunities where you can point people not to you and your abilities, but instead give glory to God.
Reading Plan:
Monday: Genesis 40:1-10
Tuesday: Genesis 40:11-20
Wednesday: Genesis 41:1-36
Thursday: Psalm 43
Friday: Hebrews 13:15; Deuteronomy 31:6
Saturday: 1 Peter 5:6-7; Lamentations 3:24-25