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Elements City Church

Living Hope week 10 - Stand Firm

Living Hope week 10 - Stand Firm

Join us Sundays this Fall 2022 as we walk through a powerful couple books of the Bible that the Apostle Paul wrote to a church he planted in Thessaloniki. In these works, he inspires a people that are living in uncertainty, to keep living by a dynamic faith in Christ and to persevere with hope, even as they were facing opposition and pressure from a culture that didn't believe or so much care for their beliefs. Followers of Jesus Christ should live with one foot in this world and the other in the world to come. We should be fully engaged with this life AND we should also live with an awareness of eternity. Having this double perspective - gives us wisdom for our 'here and now'. It shapes our priorities, impacts our schedules, influences our dreams and our decisions. It fuels our hearts for the gospel and for people around us to know and experience Jesus.

Locations & Times

Elements City Church

1825 N Alvernon Way, Tucson, AZ 85712, USA

Sunday 5:39 PM

Thanks for joining us!

Whether you're on-site or online, we are praying that tonight will be an encouragement to your soul. May God whisper to you and help you in taking your next steps in a journey with Him. If you're new, we'd love to have you fill out our connection card.
Paul has painted a picture of the lawless one who will come - these forces of evil that will try to carry people along with his whims and wishes…but now Paul writes for early Christians to stand firm - live anchored to Christ and his ways, his truth.

Hebrews writer 6:19
We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.
Paul is speaking about maintaining a “Spiritual Stability”

Jesus stood for you first - so you can stand firm for Him now.
You’re beloved and rescued - so: stand firm and hold fast…

God will continue to encourage you and strengthen your stability…
There are 3 movements in this delightful Pauline summary of the gospel:

our election by God (vv. 13–14), — (we’re chosen)
our response to God (v. 15), — (we’re invited)
our support by God (vv. 16–17) — (we’re sustained)
=the word translated CHOSEN in this verse, it is a verb meaning simply God’s choosing of His own people. Certainly it is used here with the same meaning as the compound word Paul uses in 1 Thessalonians 1:4 which means “to call out.” (We’re called out ones)

God is always portrayed in the Bible as taking the initiative in choosing people to serve Him.

He chooses Abraham and his descendants. But the choosing was not merely conveying privilege—it was always a call to responsibility.
The greek word: aparchēn (first fruits)

the idea of the first fruits that best expresses the concept of the divine election of some to bring His blessing to all. Those who are chosen are the first fruits. And the first fruits are always seen as the guarantee that a rich and full harvest will follow...
The divine initiative seeks and awaits human response.

Stand Firm and Hold Fast
2 Timothy 3:16-17 and 2 Peter 1:12-21

we can draw the line between 2 views of tradition.
1) Tradition can be regarded as “what we have always done before.”
2) Or it can be regarded as the accumulation of wisdom.

Tradition based upon “we’ve always done it that way” needs to be challenged again and again.

Only when tradition is clearly the product of the wisdom of previous generations is it worth holding. Such is the wisdom that is ours in Christ.

The Word of God Incarnate (Jesus) and the Word of God written (The Scriptures) are the standards against which our traditions must always be weighed and measured. The wisdom of Christ and the Scriptures must always be treasured and maintained.
Stand Firm and Hold Fast does not = ‘be a jerk’…
We’re to be above all - marked by our love (see John 13:34-35)

As followers of Jesus we’re to be people of conviction AND compassion.
Truth and Grace
Forgiveness and Steadfastness
Love and Holiness

As followers of Christ - we Christians may face criticism for what we believe and truths we hold to, but we should be famous for our compassion and generosity. Living out these traits as Jesus does for us…

We’re to be: People of conviction AND compassion.
In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock. —Thomas Jefferson

In the words of Apostle Paul: Stand Firm & Hold Fast
How do we love the truth in a post-truth culture?

Oxford Dictionaries popularly defined it as "relating to and denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief."
The Apostles’ creed is one of the oldest statement of faith in the Christian church, written sometime in the second century AD.

The Apostles’ Creed is one of the most universally recognized summaries of the Christian faith.
“I believe in God,
the Father almighty,
Creator of heaven and earth,
and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord,
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died and was buried;
he descended into hell;
on the third day he rose again from the dead;
he ascended into heaven,
and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty;
from there he will come to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy Church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and life everlasting.

Now, take a moment to reflect back upon those in your past who have passed on the faith to you, imparted the Love of Christ, the teachings of Christ and the Scriptures and who have imparted a life of faith to you… TAKE A MOMENT TO THANK GOD FOR THEM AND FOR HIS ACTIVITY IN YOUR LIFE… a moment of thanksgiving for God…

The man of pseudo-faith will fight for his verbal creed but refuse flatly to allow himself to get in a predicament where his future must depend upon that creed being true. … What we need very badly these days is a company of Christians who are prepared to trust God as completely now as they know that they must do at that last day.
-A.W. Tozer

Thank you for financially partnering with us!

Thank you for enabling us to be the Church in our city! Your gifts help fuel the mission of Elements City Church, as well as our capacity to share His love with as many as we can. You help us bring the HOPE and LIGHT of Jesus to our city! You can give online at the link below or through the Elements app.
Whether you joined us on-site or online, thanks for being with us tonight!

Join us next Sunday as we conclude our series through 1 & 2 Thessalonians, Living Hope: Living as People of Hope in Uncertain Times.

Have a great Thanksgiving Friends!