New Life Church

Overflow - Part 4: Pastor Tim
Part 4: Blessed to be a Blessing!
Locations & Times
New Life Assembly of God
15 Swart Ln, Saugerties, NY 12477, USA
Sunday 10:00 AM
When we get blessed we often increase our standard of living but not our standard of giving.
Practicalities of Generosity
- What do you think of when you hear the words “be generous”?
- Share about a time when someone with plenty shared with you in your time of need, or when you had plenty and helped others in need. How did that build your faith?
- What practical step will you take to become a more cheerful giver?
- What do you think of when you hear the words “be generous”?
- Share about a time when someone with plenty shared with you in your time of need, or when you had plenty and helped others in need. How did that build your faith?
- What practical step will you take to become a more cheerful giver?
Upcoming and Weekly Events
Sunday Service @ 10 AM. Visit for our location and livestream link. Nursery is available for children up to age 4 on the 2nd and 3rd Sundays of the month, and KidZone is available for ages 5-11 each week. Find sermon notes, suggested Bible reading plan, prayer request form, and connection card under “Events” on the YouVersion Bible App.
Girl’s Ministry Tuesdays from 5:30-6:30 PM! See Sharee Haromontelongo for more info.
Finish Line Youth Fridays from 7 to 8:30 PM! See Pastor James for more info.
Pizza With The Pastor - 11/6 & 11/13 following the service. If you’re new at New Life, or interested in exploring membership, join the pastor for an hour of eating pizza and learning about New Life’s “DNA.” Please register on our website under the "Events" tab so we know how much pizza we need!
Missions Focus:
- Operation Christmas Child shoebox packing and collection is November 13. See Melissa Lasher for more info.
- Offerings will be received throughout November to help the DeMartinos, missionaries to Mexico, purchase a facility to serve the hungry and the homeless in Guadalajara. Please be sure to write “DeMartino” on your envelope or in the memo of your check.
- Baby Bottle Campaign to benefit the BRAVO Pregnancy Support Center of Ulster County. See Jeannie & Jim Bach for more info.
- Water Baptism Sunday, November 20 following the service. See Pastor Tim if interested.
Girl’s Ministry Tuesdays from 5:30-6:30 PM! See Sharee Haromontelongo for more info.
Finish Line Youth Fridays from 7 to 8:30 PM! See Pastor James for more info.
Pizza With The Pastor - 11/6 & 11/13 following the service. If you’re new at New Life, or interested in exploring membership, join the pastor for an hour of eating pizza and learning about New Life’s “DNA.” Please register on our website under the "Events" tab so we know how much pizza we need!
Missions Focus:
- Operation Christmas Child shoebox packing and collection is November 13. See Melissa Lasher for more info.
- Offerings will be received throughout November to help the DeMartinos, missionaries to Mexico, purchase a facility to serve the hungry and the homeless in Guadalajara. Please be sure to write “DeMartino” on your envelope or in the memo of your check.
- Baby Bottle Campaign to benefit the BRAVO Pregnancy Support Center of Ulster County. See Jeannie & Jim Bach for more info.
- Water Baptism Sunday, November 20 following the service. See Pastor Tim if interested.
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Please submit your request. Our volunteers will pray for you this week!