CrossWay Church

October 30, 2022: Luke 15: 11-32
These are the Bible passage and sermon notes for our Sunday morning worship services.
Locations & Times
CrossWay Church Battle Ground
311 N Parkway Ave, Battle Ground, WA 98604, USA
Sunday 9:30 AM
Luke 15:11-32: God pursues
I) The Setting
A) Jesus told this story to a group of sinners and ___________ religious leaders.
B) Jesus told three parables about someone losing something and _____________ when it was found.
II) Act 1: The younger son.
A) The younger son’s ___________.
1) He tells his father he wishes he was ________.
2) He squanders his ________________.
3) He hits rock bottom when the ___________ have more food for him.
4) He devises a plan to use his father’s soft spot and his __________ to build himself back up.
B) The father's compassionate response to his younger son.
1) He gives the son the _________________ he asked for.
2) The father ________ to meet his returning son.
3) The father enfolds him back into his ____________.
4) The father ____________ the younger son’s return with the village.
C) Jesus reminds us that God is ready to reconcile with those who have turned their __________.
III) Act 2: The elder son
A) The elder son's hardheartedness towards his father.
1) He does not try to ____________ his younger brother’s and father’s relationship.
2) He ____________ to enter his father’s party.
3) He speaks ______________ to his father.
4) He accuses his dad of ______________ and not caring about him.
B) The father's compassionate response to the elder son.
1) The father _________ the party to speak to the elder son.
2) The father _____________ responds his elder son’s harsh words.
C) Jesus reminds us that God’s compassionate kindness is extended to ______- ______________ religious folks.
The longer you are in church the more you can resemble the elder brother in the parable of the prodigal son. Harvie Conn
I) The Setting
A) Jesus told this story to a group of sinners and ___________ religious leaders.
B) Jesus told three parables about someone losing something and _____________ when it was found.
II) Act 1: The younger son.
A) The younger son’s ___________.
1) He tells his father he wishes he was ________.
2) He squanders his ________________.
3) He hits rock bottom when the ___________ have more food for him.
4) He devises a plan to use his father’s soft spot and his __________ to build himself back up.
B) The father's compassionate response to his younger son.
1) He gives the son the _________________ he asked for.
2) The father ________ to meet his returning son.
3) The father enfolds him back into his ____________.
4) The father ____________ the younger son’s return with the village.
C) Jesus reminds us that God is ready to reconcile with those who have turned their __________.
III) Act 2: The elder son
A) The elder son's hardheartedness towards his father.
1) He does not try to ____________ his younger brother’s and father’s relationship.
2) He ____________ to enter his father’s party.
3) He speaks ______________ to his father.
4) He accuses his dad of ______________ and not caring about him.
B) The father's compassionate response to the elder son.
1) The father _________ the party to speak to the elder son.
2) The father _____________ responds his elder son’s harsh words.
C) Jesus reminds us that God’s compassionate kindness is extended to ______- ______________ religious folks.
The longer you are in church the more you can resemble the elder brother in the parable of the prodigal son. Harvie Conn