Wiregrass Church

Mark 3:33 An Unlikely Family Reunion
5 options on Sundays at 10:30 AM 1. On campus 2. www.wiregrass.church (live and recorded media options-audio only or video) 3. Facebook Live: Wiregrass Church 4. YouTube channel: Wiregrass Church New Tampa 5. Wiregrass Church app- available on iTunes, Google Play, & Amazon App stores
Locations & Times
Wiregrass Church
28125 County Line Rd, Zephyrhills, FL 33543, USA
Sunday 10:30 AM
Connect with us! Fill out a digital connection card
If this is your first time or first time in a while, we are so glad you have joined in with us today! You may also use this to update your contact information, sign up for an event, or take a next step in your life. Pastor Carl would love to send you a text or an email this week. This way you will also have his contact information and give more opportunities to connect in the days ahead. He, the staff, and the church will be praying for your prayer requests this week. (If the prayer requests are confidential, they will not be shared publicly.)
https://wiregrass.ccbchurch.com/goto/forms/11/responses/newDownload the Wiregrass Church app!
Click on the link to download the new Wiregrass Church app! Choose from the iTunes App Store, Google Play, or the Amazon App Store.
https://subsplash.com/wiregrasschurch/wiregrass-appVisit the website for wiregrass.church
Also-like, check in, share, and follow us on Facebook!
3 Good Reasons To Be Baptized
If you have repented (turned) from your sins and received Jesus Christ as your Savior and Master, we invite you to read this well written and concise article on why you should be baptized. This article may give a fresh perspective to those who have already turned to Jesus and been baptized as well. Enjoy…
https://www.crossway.org/articles/3-good-reasons-to-be-baptized/options for giving
give online-We want to make obedient and cheerful giving as simple and secure as possible. Use the online giving option on this link, the website, or the app to give a one time or recurring gift. You can use a bank account, debit card, or credit card. Using a bank account incurs the lowest processing fee for the church however, feel free to use the method that is best for you.
give in person-We provide offering boxes and envelopes around the auditorium. We do not normally take up an offering during the worship services so feel free to place your gift in an offering box before or after a service. We consider giving as an act of worship according to Scripture so whether you click the submit button or place a gift in the offering box, the Lord knows our hearts as we obey Him.
mail a check-You or your bank can write a check and mail your gift to the church office. Many people set up Wiregrass Church as an online bill pay with their bank. The bank mails a check directly to the church office for you. This option is usually free with your bank and neither you or the church incur processing fees.
Wiregrass Church 28125 County Line Rd.
Wesley Chapel, FL 33543
https://wiregrass.church/givegive online-We want to make obedient and cheerful giving as simple and secure as possible. Use the online giving option on this link, the website, or the app to give a one time or recurring gift. You can use a bank account, debit card, or credit card. Using a bank account incurs the lowest processing fee for the church however, feel free to use the method that is best for you.
give in person-We provide offering boxes and envelopes around the auditorium. We do not normally take up an offering during the worship services so feel free to place your gift in an offering box before or after a service. We consider giving as an act of worship according to Scripture so whether you click the submit button or place a gift in the offering box, the Lord knows our hearts as we obey Him.
mail a check-You or your bank can write a check and mail your gift to the church office. Many people set up Wiregrass Church as an online bill pay with their bank. The bank mails a check directly to the church office for you. This option is usually free with your bank and neither you or the church incur processing fees.
Wiregrass Church 28125 County Line Rd.
Wesley Chapel, FL 33543
Celebrate Recovery every Monday evening
Are you struggling with hurts, habits, and hang ups in your life? Maybe it is because of hurt someone else has caused you or hurt you have brought on yourself? CR is a ministry based on the Beatitudes in Matthew 5 to bring real healing whatever the struggle may be in your life. We meet every Monday evening beginning at 6:30 PM with food and coffee. The gathering begins at 7 PM. Childcare is provided.
Celebrate Recovery is designed to help people find freedom from hurts, habits and hang-ups including addictions, compulsive and dysfunctional behaviors. The purpose of the Celebrate Recovery @ Wiregrass ministry is to fellowship and celebrate God’s healing power in our lives through the “8 Recovery Principles.” This experience allows us to “be changed.”
We open the door by sharing our experiences, strengths and hopes with one another. In addition, we become willing to accept God’s grace in solving our life problems. By working and applying these Biblical principles, we begin to grow spiritually. We become free from our addictive, compulsive and dysfunctional behaviors. This freedom creates peace, serenity, joy and most importantly, a stronger personal relationship with God and others.
As we progress through the program we discover our personal, loving and forgiving Higher Power – Jesus Christ, the one and only true Higher Power. No hurt is beyond healing! No habit is beyond help! No hang-up is beyond hope! Jesus changes everything!
Celebrate Recovery is designed to help people find freedom from hurts, habits and hang-ups including addictions, compulsive and dysfunctional behaviors. The purpose of the Celebrate Recovery @ Wiregrass ministry is to fellowship and celebrate God’s healing power in our lives through the “8 Recovery Principles.” This experience allows us to “be changed.”
We open the door by sharing our experiences, strengths and hopes with one another. In addition, we become willing to accept God’s grace in solving our life problems. By working and applying these Biblical principles, we begin to grow spiritually. We become free from our addictive, compulsive and dysfunctional behaviors. This freedom creates peace, serenity, joy and most importantly, a stronger personal relationship with God and others.
As we progress through the program we discover our personal, loving and forgiving Higher Power – Jesus Christ, the one and only true Higher Power. No hurt is beyond healing! No habit is beyond help! No hang-up is beyond hope! Jesus changes everything!
Coed Belong Groups-Interactive Bible Study
Join in with Pastor Carl as we study and apply God’s Word verse by verse on Wednesday evenings. Food and coffee are available at 6:15 PM and the study begins at 6:45 PM. Student ministry and childcare are provided.

Unveiled! An interactive study of Revelation
Belong Group: Experiencing God
Stay tuned as we finished series and hope to offer it again!
Join Claudia George on Wednesdays as she leads an in depth study on Experiencing God from Henry Blackaby. This discipleship group will help you see where God is at work around you and calling you to join in with Him in His work. Food and coffee are available at 6:15 PM and the study begins at 6:45 PM
connect on wiregrass.church under Belong Groups
Join Claudia George on Wednesdays as she leads an in depth study on Experiencing God from Henry Blackaby. This discipleship group will help you see where God is at work around you and calling you to join in with Him in His work. Food and coffee are available at 6:15 PM and the study begins at 6:45 PM
connect on wiregrass.church under Belong Groups
Belong Group-We Can Trust the Bible
Join in with Pastor Mark on Sundays at 9:15 AM as we answer why we can trust the Bible. Adults and youth alike will benefit from this interactive study. This is a coed Bible study.
connect on wiregrass.church under Belong Groups
connect on wiregrass.church under Belong Groups
Student Ministry
Join in with Pastor Steve and the team on Wednesdays as they enjoy food, opportunities to hang out, games, and time in the Bible. They will deal with real struggles and find real victory in Jesus and His Word. Food is available at 6:15 PM and they meet at 6:45 PM.

Upcoming Ladies Study: Tests of James
Please join us for a time for women to learn and fellowship together as we do a study on James. Every first Monday of the month starting in December. Food and fellowship begins at 6:30pm. Study starts at 7pm.
Wiregrass Church
28125 County Line RdWesley Chapel, FL 33543 lindsaycolon15@gmail.com
https://subsplash.com/wiregrasschurch/lb/ev/+kccb7tj?start=167028300028125 County Line RdWesley Chapel, FL 33543 lindsaycolon15@gmail.com
An Unlikely Family Reunion
📖 Scripture
Mark 3:20-21, Mark 3:31-35
🎨 Story
Personal and Biblical stories of family reunions…
💡Proposition/Big Idea
Family is a huge part of society and our life-many times good, sometimes not so good. Jesus gives an unbelievable response to teach you the most important point about family.
Who is in the family of Jesus? Are you part of the family of Jesus? How can you know for sure?
🚂 Transition
The physical family of Jesus thought He had lost his senses-lost his mind-in Mark 3:20-21. This set up a response to try to “save” Him when they found out He was so devoted to ministry that he wasn’t even able to eat…
An Unlikely Family Reunion: Mark 3:31-35 CSB
Vs. 31
There is a strong and c____________ bond among p______________ family.
Nurture & Nature
Vs. 32
People who weren’t physical family with Jesus recognized their c_________________ for Him.
Vs. 33
Jesus likes to ask questions to lead you to e_____________ t_____________.
Vs. 34
Jesus c______________ the p___________ of spiritual, eternal family over simply physical family.
Vs. 35
Jesus describes how we become a part of His f_______________ f______________.
Are you in the family of Jesus? There is only one way to be a part of this family.
Vs. 31 common physical
Vs. 32 concern
Vs. 33 eternal truth
Vs. 34 contrasts priority
Vs. 35 forever family
📖 Scripture
Mark 3:20-21, Mark 3:31-35
🎨 Story
Personal and Biblical stories of family reunions…
💡Proposition/Big Idea
Family is a huge part of society and our life-many times good, sometimes not so good. Jesus gives an unbelievable response to teach you the most important point about family.
Who is in the family of Jesus? Are you part of the family of Jesus? How can you know for sure?
🚂 Transition
The physical family of Jesus thought He had lost his senses-lost his mind-in Mark 3:20-21. This set up a response to try to “save” Him when they found out He was so devoted to ministry that he wasn’t even able to eat…
An Unlikely Family Reunion: Mark 3:31-35 CSB
Vs. 31
There is a strong and c____________ bond among p______________ family.
Nurture & Nature
Vs. 32
People who weren’t physical family with Jesus recognized their c_________________ for Him.
Vs. 33
Jesus likes to ask questions to lead you to e_____________ t_____________.
Vs. 34
Jesus c______________ the p___________ of spiritual, eternal family over simply physical family.
Vs. 35
Jesus describes how we become a part of His f_______________ f______________.
Are you in the family of Jesus? There is only one way to be a part of this family.
Vs. 31 common physical
Vs. 32 concern
Vs. 33 eternal truth
Vs. 34 contrasts priority
Vs. 35 forever family

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