Wiregrass Church

Romans 15:1-6 The Purpose of Biblical Strength
5 options on Sundays at 10:30 AM 1. On campus 2. www.wiregrass.church (live and recorded media options-audio only or video) 3. Facebook Live: Wiregrass Church 4. YouTube channel: Wiregrass Church New Tampa 5. Wiregrass Church app- available on iTunes, Google Play, & Amazon App stores
Locations & Times
Wiregrass Church
28125 County Line Rd, Zephyrhills, FL 33543, USA
Sunday 10:30 AM
Connect with us! Fill out a digital connection card
Download the Wiregrass Church app!
Visit the website for wiregrass.church

Invite your friends and neighbors! We will spend the afternoon enjoying good food and good company! We will end the evening around the campfire.
Fall Family Reunion Sign Up Sheet

Tampa Bay Baptist Association Annual Celebration 10/16/22
October 16, 2022
We are looking forward to seeing all of you, pastors and church members at our Annual Celebration.
South Tampa Fellowship - Ballast Point
5101 Bayshore Blvd
Tampa, FL 33611
4:00 p.m. dinner | 5:00 p.m. Celebration
No RSVP required
Special Guest Preacher - Dr. Ben Mandrell, President & CEO of Lifeway. Prior to joining Lifeway, Ben planted a church in Colorado, and pastored a church in Tennessee.
Special Music - The South Tampa Fellowship worship team will lead us in a time of incredible praise and worship.
Stories from the field - Pastors and church planters will share stories about what God is doing in our TBBA churches and church plants.This is one of the biggest events of the year in the life of our Association. We look forward to celebrating with you!
3 Good Reasons To Be Baptized
options for giving
give online-We want to make obedient and cheerful giving as simple and secure as possible. Use the online giving option on this link, the website, or the app to give a one time or recurring gift. You can use a bank account, debit card, or credit card. Using a bank account incurs the lowest processing fee for the church however, feel free to use the method that is best for you.
give in person-We provide offering boxes and envelopes around the auditorium. We do not normally take up an offering during the worship services so feel free to place your gift in an offering box before or after a service. We consider giving as an act of worship according to Scripture so whether you click the submit button or place a gift in the offering box, the Lord knows our hearts as we obey Him.
mail a check-You or your bank can write a check and mail your gift to the church office. Many people set up Wiregrass Church as an online bill pay with their bank. The bank mails a check directly to the church office for you. This option is usually free with your bank and neither you or the church incur processing fees.
Wiregrass Church 28125 County Line Rd.
Wesley Chapel, FL 33543
Celebrate Recovery every Monday evening
Celebrate Recovery is designed to help people find freedom from hurts, habits and hang-ups including addictions, compulsive and dysfunctional behaviors. The purpose of the Celebrate Recovery @ Wiregrass ministry is to fellowship and celebrate God’s healing power in our lives through the “8 Recovery Principles.” This experience allows us to “be changed.”
We open the door by sharing our experiences, strengths and hopes with one another. In addition, we become willing to accept God’s grace in solving our life problems. By working and applying these Biblical principles, we begin to grow spiritually. We become free from our addictive, compulsive and dysfunctional behaviors. This freedom creates peace, serenity, joy and most importantly, a stronger personal relationship with God and others.
As we progress through the program we discover our personal, loving and forgiving Higher Power – Jesus Christ, the one and only true Higher Power. No hurt is beyond healing! No habit is beyond help! No hang-up is beyond hope! Jesus changes everything!
Coed Belong Groups-Interactive Bible Study

Unveiled! An interactive study of Revelation
Belong Group: Experiencing God
Join Claudia George on Wednesdays as she leads an in depth study on Experiencing God from Henry Blackaby. This discipleship group will help you see where God is at work around you and calling you to join in with Him in His work. Food and coffee are available at 6:15 PM and the study begins at 6:45 PM
connect on wiregrass.church under Belong Groups
Women’s Belong Group: A Woman of the Word
Belong Group-We Can Trust the Bible
connect on wiregrass.church under Belong Groups
Student Ministry
📖 Scripture
Romans 15:1-6
🎨 Story
purpose and process of weight training
building strength
💡Proposition/Big Idea
When God gives you His strength, after you realize yours is an illusion , it is for building up others and for unity. This is not just for family in Christ but also neighbors.
How do I live out the strength God has given me?
🚂 Transition
We understand where real strength comes from in Romans 1-14 and the goal of real strength in chapter 15…
Vs. 1 What is the strength that matters to God according to His Word?
F______________ from sin and f________________ on God’s agenda.
What is the purpose of Biblical strength and what is not the focus?
to help c____________ the weight of those who are w___________.
not to p____________ ourselves.
Galatians 6:1-0
The lies of s_________ c___________. A proper understanding of s_________ c__________.
Vs 2 This passage expands the influence from the Christian family to n_____________
How do you p____________ someone for their g_______________?
Vs 3 The e_______________ of our M_____________ who e___________ us.
Philippians 2
Vs 4 The Bible helps us to really S.E.E.👁 :
📖 S_______________________ (OT & NT point to Jesus-Luke 24:27)
🏃🏾♀️ E_______________________
🙌🏼 E_______________________
II Timothy 3:15-17
When we really SEE, we have real hope-c_________________, not wishful thinking
Vs 5 God reveals to us-to S.E.E. Through the W_______ Who became f_________
John 1:1, 14
Vs 5-6
S.U.M. it all up…
💪🏽 S____________________
🤝 U___________________ (harmony, one mind, one voice)
🎯 M__________________ -the 🥅 g______________ is g_________ to God.
Vs 1 freedom focus carry weak please self care soul care
Vs 2 neighbors please good
Vs 3 example Master equips
Vs 4 Scriptures endurance encouragement confidence
Vs 5 Word flesh
Vs 6 Strength Unity Mission goal glory

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