Discovery Christian Church
Colossians: A Study of Colossians (Week 14)
Garrison Polsgrove, Senior Pastor
Locations & Times
  • Discovery Christian Church
    27555 Alessandro Blvd, Moreno Valley, CA 92555, USA
    Sunday 9:30 AM, Sunday 11:00 AM
Infant Baptism: (Why is it practiced?)

1. Jesus’ Teachings were New

2. Paul compares baptism to circumcision

3. Infant baptism removes original sin and imparts salvation
Believer Baptism: (Scriptural Basis)

1. Original Meaning of Word: "Baptizo"

2. Jesus was baptized as an adult
Believer Baptism: (Scriptural Basis) continued...

3. Jesus commanded disciples be baptized
Believer Baptism: (Scriptural Basis) continued...

4. Baptism marks new life lived in submission to Jesus
Acts of the Apostles 2:37-41 NLT

3 Marks of a disciple of Jesus:

1) Personal Belief of The Truth (Faith)

2) Willful Submission to The Truth (Repentance)

3) Outward Expression of your submission to The Truth (Baptism)

1. I was baptized by immersion when I was younger, do I need to be baptized again?

2. Do I need to be baptized in front of people?

3. Do I need to be baptized to be saved?

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