CrossWay Church

August 21, 2022: Luke 12:49-59
These are the Bible passage and sermon notes for our Sunday morning worship services.
Locations & Times
CrossWay Church Battle Ground
311 N Parkway Ave, Battle Ground, WA 98604, USA
Sunday 9:30 AM
Luke 12:49-59: Jesus’s Mission Your Decision
I) Jesus's Mission
A) Jesus came to endure the fire of God’s ________________ for sin.
1) Fire can represent God’s _______________.
2) Fire can symbolize the refining _________________ of sin.
3) Fire can convey God’s ________________.
B) Jesus understood the enormity of his death.
1) Baptism is often used to describe the __________ ritual.
2) It can also be used to describe __________________ catastrophe.
3) On the cross, Jesus speaks the opening of Psalm ______ which uses the image of water to speak of death.
C) Jesus knew he would ________________ this task.
II) Jesus predicted his actions will bring division.
A) When Jesus comes a second time, he will bring _______________.
B) His death and resurrection will create _____________ until then.
C) Christians should not be surprised by opposition today.
III) Jesus urges his listeners to pay attention and make a decision.
A) They are smart enough to understand the _____________ patterns.
B) They should be able to recognize his ____________ signs.
C) Jesus’s final question for listeners: How will they try and pay off the debt of their sin?
D) Jesus is the only one that can pay the _________ of our sin.
I) Jesus's Mission
A) Jesus came to endure the fire of God’s ________________ for sin.
1) Fire can represent God’s _______________.
2) Fire can symbolize the refining _________________ of sin.
3) Fire can convey God’s ________________.
B) Jesus understood the enormity of his death.
1) Baptism is often used to describe the __________ ritual.
2) It can also be used to describe __________________ catastrophe.
3) On the cross, Jesus speaks the opening of Psalm ______ which uses the image of water to speak of death.
C) Jesus knew he would ________________ this task.
II) Jesus predicted his actions will bring division.
A) When Jesus comes a second time, he will bring _______________.
B) His death and resurrection will create _____________ until then.
C) Christians should not be surprised by opposition today.
III) Jesus urges his listeners to pay attention and make a decision.
A) They are smart enough to understand the _____________ patterns.
B) They should be able to recognize his ____________ signs.
C) Jesus’s final question for listeners: How will they try and pay off the debt of their sin?
D) Jesus is the only one that can pay the _________ of our sin.