Dover Assembly of God

7.31.2022 | Revelation - Week 32
Locations & Times
Dover Assembly of God
4790 Carlisle Rd, Dover, PA 17315, USA
Sunday 10:30 AM
Welcome to Dover Assembly of God! We're glad that you've joined us this morning. If you're on Facebook, we encourage you to take a moment to check in at Dover Assembly. Bulletin
July 31, 2022
Welcome to Dover Assembly!
We are so glad you have chosen to attend Dover Assembly this morning. It is not by accident that you are here. We believe that God has allowed you to be here so that you might receive all that He has for you. We pray you are blessed as you allow the Lord to work in your life.
9:00 am ~ Coffee & Donuts
9:30 am ~ Sunday School
10:30 am ~ Worship Service
10:30 am ~ R.O.C.K. Children’s Ministry
1:00 pm ~ Spanish Service
6:00 pm ~ Deacon Board Meeting
6:30 pm ~ Worship Practice
6:30 pm ~ Men’s Dinner-Mission BBQ
6:30 pm ~ Spanish Service
New Life for Girls
The ladies from New Life will be ministering in our morning service on Sunday, Aug 14. Be sure to mark your calendars and be here to support this awesome ministry!
Men's Dinner
The guys will be gathering at Mission BBQ, Thursday, Aug 4 at 6:30 pm for a time of fellowship and good food. This is a great time to bring a friend with you! Sign up in the lower foyer.
Young Adults Devo & Chill
Attention Young Adults! Come out for a night of fellowship, charcuterie boards, and a good word for the soul at Pastor Savy & Jazz's house on Friday, August 12th from 7-9 pm. RSVP to Jazz by August 1st!
Women of Purpose Movie Night
Tentatively scheduled for Friday, Aug 19 at 7:00pm (depending on interest). If you are interested in enjoying fellowship, popcorn and a movie (to be chosen soon) then sign up in the upper foyer.
Franklin Graham Is Coming!
Mark your calendar for York’s “God Loves You Tour”, which will give the lost an opportunity to know Jesus and encourage believers in their faith. The free evening will feature music by a guest artist and a message from Franklin Graham.
Night of Worship and Prayer for the 'God Loves You Tour', at Genesis Church, 1405 Seven Valleys Road beginning at 6:30 pm on Tues., Aug. 16, York PA. Worship led by Freddy Washington, worship director at Times Square Church, NYC.
Christian Life and Witness Course; only 1 session (3 hour session) required for you to serve as a prayer team member at the crusade. Pastor and Anna will be attending the Sat.., Aug. 20 session from 9:00 am - Noon at Church of the Open Door.
WOP Summer Book Club
Books are in! - "What Happens When Women say Yes to God" by Lysa Terkeurst
Cost is $13 per book. Or what you can afford! If you need a scholarship, see Anna. We don’t want anyone to miss out!
WOP Book Club Fellowship is rescheduled to, Fri., Sept 2, 6 pm at Jesse's house.
Prayer & Fast Nights
A reminder that Pastor Jeff and Dover Assembly have prayer and fast nights in the Sanctuary on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of every month. Please join us! The Lord is doing great things! Items of specific prayer include:
~ Salvations of Loved ones, family, friends.(2 Peter 3:9)
~ Revival
~ Church property that the township wants to take. The battle belongs to the Lord!
Summer Day Trip, Anyone?
Anyone interested in taking a trip with Pastor and Anna to the Bible Museum in Washington DC this summer? Sign up in the upper foyer.
Tithes & Offerings
Summer is upon us and that means lots of family travels, vacations, weekend get-aways! Please remember your giving to the Lord by way of tithes and offerings when you are away. For convenience, you can also give online these days! The Lord tells us in Malachi 3:10 to 'bring the whole title into the storehouse (home church) . . . "He will bless you and we thank you for your faithfulness!
Shut Ins
Please continue to pray for those of our church family who are no longer able to join us for worship. Please send a card to encourage them!
~ Marian T.
~ Olga K.
~ Beulah S.
~ Mary S.
Aug 9 ~ Phil S.
Aug 12 ~ Samuel G.
Aug 13 ~ Katie J.
Aug 15 ~ Tom O.
Aug 20 ~ Enza B.
Aug 26 ~ Flo Z.
Aug 27 ~ Melanie G.
Aug 28 ~ Jason J.
Aug 28 ~ Kylie E.
Aug 29 ~ Deborah D.
Aug 11 ~ Ken & Sherry S.
Aug 15 ~ Phil & Murina S.
Aug 27 ~ Joshua & Tabitha K.
Aug 30 ~ Paul & Lee J.
Welcome to Dover Assembly!
We are so glad you have chosen to attend Dover Assembly this morning. It is not by accident that you are here. We believe that God has allowed you to be here so that you might receive all that He has for you. We pray you are blessed as you allow the Lord to work in your life.
9:00 am ~ Coffee & Donuts
9:30 am ~ Sunday School
10:30 am ~ Worship Service
10:30 am ~ R.O.C.K. Children’s Ministry
1:00 pm ~ Spanish Service
6:00 pm ~ Deacon Board Meeting
6:30 pm ~ Worship Practice
6:30 pm ~ Men’s Dinner-Mission BBQ
6:30 pm ~ Spanish Service
New Life for Girls
The ladies from New Life will be ministering in our morning service on Sunday, Aug 14. Be sure to mark your calendars and be here to support this awesome ministry!
Men's Dinner
The guys will be gathering at Mission BBQ, Thursday, Aug 4 at 6:30 pm for a time of fellowship and good food. This is a great time to bring a friend with you! Sign up in the lower foyer.
Young Adults Devo & Chill
Attention Young Adults! Come out for a night of fellowship, charcuterie boards, and a good word for the soul at Pastor Savy & Jazz's house on Friday, August 12th from 7-9 pm. RSVP to Jazz by August 1st!
Women of Purpose Movie Night
Tentatively scheduled for Friday, Aug 19 at 7:00pm (depending on interest). If you are interested in enjoying fellowship, popcorn and a movie (to be chosen soon) then sign up in the upper foyer.
Franklin Graham Is Coming!
Mark your calendar for York’s “God Loves You Tour”, which will give the lost an opportunity to know Jesus and encourage believers in their faith. The free evening will feature music by a guest artist and a message from Franklin Graham.
Night of Worship and Prayer for the 'God Loves You Tour', at Genesis Church, 1405 Seven Valleys Road beginning at 6:30 pm on Tues., Aug. 16, York PA. Worship led by Freddy Washington, worship director at Times Square Church, NYC.
Christian Life and Witness Course; only 1 session (3 hour session) required for you to serve as a prayer team member at the crusade. Pastor and Anna will be attending the Sat.., Aug. 20 session from 9:00 am - Noon at Church of the Open Door.
WOP Summer Book Club
Books are in! - "What Happens When Women say Yes to God" by Lysa Terkeurst
Cost is $13 per book. Or what you can afford! If you need a scholarship, see Anna. We don’t want anyone to miss out!
WOP Book Club Fellowship is rescheduled to, Fri., Sept 2, 6 pm at Jesse's house.
Prayer & Fast Nights
A reminder that Pastor Jeff and Dover Assembly have prayer and fast nights in the Sanctuary on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of every month. Please join us! The Lord is doing great things! Items of specific prayer include:
~ Salvations of Loved ones, family, friends.(2 Peter 3:9)
~ Revival
~ Church property that the township wants to take. The battle belongs to the Lord!
Summer Day Trip, Anyone?
Anyone interested in taking a trip with Pastor and Anna to the Bible Museum in Washington DC this summer? Sign up in the upper foyer.
Tithes & Offerings
Summer is upon us and that means lots of family travels, vacations, weekend get-aways! Please remember your giving to the Lord by way of tithes and offerings when you are away. For convenience, you can also give online these days! The Lord tells us in Malachi 3:10 to 'bring the whole title into the storehouse (home church) . . . "He will bless you and we thank you for your faithfulness!
Shut Ins
Please continue to pray for those of our church family who are no longer able to join us for worship. Please send a card to encourage them!
~ Marian T.
~ Olga K.
~ Beulah S.
~ Mary S.
Aug 9 ~ Phil S.
Aug 12 ~ Samuel G.
Aug 13 ~ Katie J.
Aug 15 ~ Tom O.
Aug 20 ~ Enza B.
Aug 26 ~ Flo Z.
Aug 27 ~ Melanie G.
Aug 28 ~ Jason J.
Aug 28 ~ Kylie E.
Aug 29 ~ Deborah D.
Aug 11 ~ Ken & Sherry S.
Aug 15 ~ Phil & Murina S.
Aug 27 ~ Joshua & Tabitha K.
Aug 30 ~ Paul & Lee J.
Download our app!
Download the Dover Assembly app to stay connected all week! Keep up to date with the latest news and events, watch our latest videos, and more all within our app! We're back on Google Play for Android users! Also available on the iOS App Store. Giving
Thank you for your faithfulness! You can now give to Dover Assembly online at your convenience. Click the link to learn more!
July 31st, 2022 - Week 32 - Rev. Jeff Bender
Last week we began to look at chapter 17 in Revelation and we discussed up to verse 4 . . .
A brief recap.
During this time, there will be the world’s religious system and the world’s political/ economic system. We called them the Babylon Religion and the Babylon Political systems.
The Bible calls this religious system “the prostitute”. Other terms would be “harlot, adulterer”
The religious system was in cahoots with the political system.
The political leaders would give favors and power to the religious systems in exchange for the religions backing up whatever the politics of the day was.
Chapter 17 was telling of the judgment of this religious system.
During this time, there will be the world’s religious system and the world’s political/ economic system. We called them the Babylon Religion and the Babylon Political systems.
The Bible calls this religious system “the prostitute”. Other terms would be “harlot, adulterer”
The religious system was in cahoots with the political system.
The political leaders would give favors and power to the religious systems in exchange for the religions backing up whatever the politics of the day was.
Chapter 17 was telling of the judgment of this religious system.
Again, describing the religion that looks good on the outside, but not on the inside.
Like what Jesus said to the Pharisees.
Like what Jesus said to the Pharisees.
So let’s pick it up from there . . .
The word Babylon comes from the word Babel, in Genesis. The tower of Babel.
That represented man’s pride and rebellion against God.
A mystery in the bible is something that has not yet been revealed to us.
That represented man’s pride and rebellion against God.
A mystery in the bible is something that has not yet been revealed to us.
This mysterious name is showing the world that the character of all false religions, cults, sorcery, astrology, fortune telling, witchcraft, spiritism, secular humanism, new age philosophies and the occult up to this point have not really been revealed, but now there is no doubt.
All of those from the beginning have been from man’s pride and rebellion against God.
All of those from the beginning have been from man’s pride and rebellion against God.
John sees this woman, again a personification of the entire world system.
Intoxicated is another word and it means she delights in their deaths.
The NIV and most other versions say it this way . .
Intoxicated is another word and it means she delights in their deaths.
The NIV and most other versions say it this way . .
And she is drunk with the blood of the saints and those who bore testimony.
Some think this could be 2 separate groups. Those martyred during the tribulation, and those who were killed in the Old Testament and New Testament ages, before the rapture.
If that’s the case, this woman is drunk with “success of killing God’s people” since Cain killed Abel.
Persecution of God’s people has always existed and will continue and culminate during the reign of the anti-Christ.
And all of it has been influenced by demonic powers, even if those who persecute don’t realize it.
Some think this could be 2 separate groups. Those martyred during the tribulation, and those who were killed in the Old Testament and New Testament ages, before the rapture.
If that’s the case, this woman is drunk with “success of killing God’s people” since Cain killed Abel.
Persecution of God’s people has always existed and will continue and culminate during the reign of the anti-Christ.
And all of it has been influenced by demonic powers, even if those who persecute don’t realize it.
What John was seeing was a false religion seemingly winning and not being judged and he wondered why hasn’t this happened yet?
The angel asks “Why do you wonder”
In other words, “don’t you remember what God said about all this judgement that is coming? So let me tell you about this vision.”
The angel asks “Why do you wonder”
In other words, “don’t you remember what God said about all this judgement that is coming? So let me tell you about this vision.”
This beast is not the person who has the mortal head wound back in chapter 13. Rather it is the world political system that has existed in the past but has not existed in that same form since the fall of the Roman Empire.
Remember Daniel’s statue. The head was gold, the chest was silver, belly and thighs were bronze, legs of iron and feet mixed with iron and clay, each symbolizing a weaker material, therefore a weaker national power.
There was no one world ruler since then. Many have tried. Napoleon, Hitler, Mussolini, The UN, The world court, the league of nations.
All have failed. But now there is.
The success of the anti-Christ to make a one world government will amaze everyone.
And everyone who is here at this point are those who have taken the mark and have not accepted Christ. And therefore, whose names are not written in the Lamb’s book of Life.
And since they don’t have their names in the book, they will also be condemned.
Skipping ahead to near the end:
Remember Daniel’s statue. The head was gold, the chest was silver, belly and thighs were bronze, legs of iron and feet mixed with iron and clay, each symbolizing a weaker material, therefore a weaker national power.
There was no one world ruler since then. Many have tried. Napoleon, Hitler, Mussolini, The UN, The world court, the league of nations.
All have failed. But now there is.
The success of the anti-Christ to make a one world government will amaze everyone.
And everyone who is here at this point are those who have taken the mark and have not accepted Christ. And therefore, whose names are not written in the Lamb’s book of Life.
And since they don’t have their names in the book, they will also be condemned.
Skipping ahead to near the end:
This verse helps us understand this vision.
In the ancient boundaries of Jerusalem there are not 7 hills.
If you expand the boundaries, there are more than 7 hills.
However, in New Testament times, Rome was known every as the city of seven hills. Kind of like NYC is called “The Big Apple”.
If you say The Big Apple, everyone knows what you’re talking about. If you say, “The City of Seven Hills”, everyone knows you’re talking about Rome.
So, God wants John to know that they were in the Roman stage of the history of the world system.
The legs of iron from Daniels’ statue.
In John’s Day, Rome was united against true believers in Christ.
This resulted in God’s judgment of that empire.
So, if we start with that timeline of Rome being where we are now.
In the ancient boundaries of Jerusalem there are not 7 hills.
If you expand the boundaries, there are more than 7 hills.
However, in New Testament times, Rome was known every as the city of seven hills. Kind of like NYC is called “The Big Apple”.
If you say The Big Apple, everyone knows what you’re talking about. If you say, “The City of Seven Hills”, everyone knows you’re talking about Rome.
So, God wants John to know that they were in the Roman stage of the history of the world system.
The legs of iron from Daniels’ statue.
In John’s Day, Rome was united against true believers in Christ.
This resulted in God’s judgment of that empire.
So, if we start with that timeline of Rome being where we are now.
The 5 kings that have fallen up to John’s day are Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, and Greece.
The current one is Rome, where we said John is, and the 7th is the current system we have now.
The feet of iron and clay. Some nations strong, some weak, but all unable to cling together.
The current one is Rome, where we said John is, and the 7th is the current system we have now.
The feet of iron and clay. Some nations strong, some weak, but all unable to cling together.
And it seems that our system must remain for a little while. But it will end.
Then we come to this:
Then we come to this:
The beast has 7 heads, but the beast itself is a head, the 8th.
He is not one of the other 7, but rather, he belongs to and culminates the Babylonian system that is already here.
And it says, he along with all the others will go to destruction.
He is not one of the other 7, but rather, he belongs to and culminates the Babylonian system that is already here.
And it says, he along with all the others will go to destruction.
These 10 horns or 10 kings are kingdoms or nations that will have great political power for a short time.
It also says that they have not risen to power yet, so this isn’t talking about John’s current time in Rome.
This is a future event. It happens at the end of the church age.
Back to Daniel’s statue:
It also says that they have not risen to power yet, so this isn’t talking about John’s current time in Rome.
This is a future event. It happens at the end of the church age.
Back to Daniel’s statue:
It hits during our current time, not during all the other empires or kings.
All these nations will align themselves with the anti-Christ. Being of one mind or purpose.
Now we jump ahead to the final battle of the tribulation, where the anti-Christ and all his allies join forces to fight against the Lord Jesus Christ.
One has to wonder, if Satan knows his defeat, why does he even try this?
Christ is also joined by believers in this final battle. We get to be a part of this great victory.
The victory will be Jesus’ but we will share in the results!
One has to wonder, if Satan knows his defeat, why does he even try this?
Christ is also joined by believers in this final battle. We get to be a part of this great victory.
The victory will be Jesus’ but we will share in the results!
Eventually, the political and economic Babylon will see no need for the religious Babylon. They will say it takes away from everyone worshipping the anti-Christ.
The political Babylon will have used the religious Babylon and now they no longer need her and will destroy her and all her institutions. Everything that falls into that ecumenical group.
The harlot that enjoyed the destruction of believers will herself be destroyed.
The devil will give you what you want but at some point, when he no longer needs to use you, he will destroy you as well.
This happens in the middle of the tribulation when the anti-Christ declares himself to be God and demands that the whole world worship him.
But as the anti-Christ destroys the harlot, they are in fact carrying out God’s judgment on the harlot. Just like God used Assyria and Babylon to judge Israel, he will use the anti-Christ to judge the harlot.
The political Babylon will have used the religious Babylon and now they no longer need her and will destroy her and all her institutions. Everything that falls into that ecumenical group.
The harlot that enjoyed the destruction of believers will herself be destroyed.
The devil will give you what you want but at some point, when he no longer needs to use you, he will destroy you as well.
This happens in the middle of the tribulation when the anti-Christ declares himself to be God and demands that the whole world worship him.
But as the anti-Christ destroys the harlot, they are in fact carrying out God’s judgment on the harlot. Just like God used Assyria and Babylon to judge Israel, he will use the anti-Christ to judge the harlot.
I closed the sermon a couple of weeks ago with this and it still stands:
Tiff Shuttlesworth has said that “prophecy isn’t meant to scare us but to prepare us”
But Warren Wiersbe’s quote: “Bible prophecy isn’t entertainment for the curious, it’s encouragement for the serious”
We’ve really gotten into some of the tough imagery this week. But if we only see it as entertainment because we are curious, we are missing the reason for this study.
It is supposed to encourage us because we are serious about living for Christ.
How serious are we?
We have a Billy Graham crusade coming to our town. How serious are we about seeing people come to Christ? If we really mean business, then we should be involved in this opportunity.
We pray for people to be saved, and then God drops a big crusade in our little town. Now God says, “I’ve done my part, now its your turn.”
Be praying and get involved!
Tiff Shuttlesworth has said that “prophecy isn’t meant to scare us but to prepare us”
But Warren Wiersbe’s quote: “Bible prophecy isn’t entertainment for the curious, it’s encouragement for the serious”
We’ve really gotten into some of the tough imagery this week. But if we only see it as entertainment because we are curious, we are missing the reason for this study.
It is supposed to encourage us because we are serious about living for Christ.
How serious are we?
We have a Billy Graham crusade coming to our town. How serious are we about seeing people come to Christ? If we really mean business, then we should be involved in this opportunity.
We pray for people to be saved, and then God drops a big crusade in our little town. Now God says, “I’ve done my part, now its your turn.”
Be praying and get involved!
Thank you for joining us!
If you haven't already, be sure to check out our website and follow us on social media @doverassembly! Have a great week!
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Miss part of the sermon or want to share it with others? Catch the replay on Vimeo, YouTube or Facebook!